Love Never Fails-Prince POV

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Prince POV

I love holding her like this and watching her sleep. She is so peaceful and beautiful. When she wakes, she tells me she wants to go back to Paisley tomorrow. It seems like we just got here! I wanted to stay a few more days before we go back; I love the tub-time with her. I try to convince her to stay with me here, this is our home too. I built this big and beautiful house for her so we could spend time here. Oh dear gawd, she is not happy with that, eyes darting at me, looking at me eye to eye. She cuts loose about the house not being hers, it is mine, it's all about me. She tells me she did not want the house and that she'd sold a similar house like it in Cincinnati. I had no idea... I probably should have asked her about all that, but I've never wanted to acknowledge how much money she actually has. Never have I ever had a woman of means, and I'm finding out she has plenty.

It hurt me when she accused me of not communicating with her. In my past other women have accused me of the same thing. I've been trying so hard to communicate and share with her, more than I have with anyone in my life. How is it she cannot see that? I have told her so much, all my fears and weaknesses. I have completely opened up to her, like a husband is supposed to.

Her voice was calm as she divulged how she felt about the house, but it bruised my (huge) ego. Then, it was as if someone else was in control of me. She didn't do anything but express her feelings to me and I lashed out like a child. The moment that flew out of my mouth, I knew I was wrong. She is nothing like any woman from my past. Immediately, she shut me down not wanting to talk to me any further. I remember what Steve said, let her cool down and everything will be alright. I thought she was going to another part of the house to chill out, but when she did not return, I went looking for her to apologize. I thought I would find her in her office but when I looked in every room, she was not there. The only place I had not looked was in the garage, the car was gone! HOLY CRAP! She's really furious and left me. Physically left me! I thought when she said she was going to think about it she meant she was leaving the bedroom, now how am I going to find her? 

Calling her phone, she's not answering. She is so mad she's shutting me out. I should have never compared her to those others! It's because she is nothing like them that I love her! My stupid ego and past habits always get in the way; I always seem to sabotage myself. I have to tell her I was wrong. Yeah, I always think even when I'm wrong, I'm right. Not this time. She is right about the house. It was all about me wanting to impress her, building her this grandiose house, gifting it to her. I wanted her to be elated, to love me even more. Nelson, what is wrong with you? This is the only woman that has truly loved you, even when you were not exactly lovable way back when. I don't need to do the things I used to do because she loves me for me, not what I can give her. I was so stupid to do this without asking her what she wanted. The new house should have been a joint decision. I am trying to do what I should, but sometimes I just don't think and those old habits creep back. The devil made me do it. Lord please help me find her so I can apologize and right this wrong. I just know she is going to leave me for letting my old me surface...........I have to apologize to her as quick as I can, but I have no car and no way to find her. She is still ignoring my calls and text messages. I'm guessing she probably went back to Paisley, her place of comfort and security.

Finally, after frantically trying to find her for what felt like an eternity, she texted me saying she would be coming back here in a little while. OK, Nelson, get this right. Don't screw this up as this is your last ditch effort to make sure she does not leave you forever. I need to set up the house so it is relaxing, calming and inviting for her. Lighting every candle in the house and bedroom, I turn the lights down low, put on some soft music and wait. The scene has been set for her to be comfortable to talk to me when she arrives home.  I hope she will forgive me for my stupidity and cruel remarks. I can't have the only one that has ever truly loved me, leave. This is taking forever for her to get back to me. I try to call again and nothing. I decide to call Paisley again and Kirk answers. "Kirk, where have you been? I've been calling no one answered. Is G there?" "No P, I'm the only one here. I just stopped in to pick up my phone. I forgot it yesterday when I came to check on the place. All is quiet." That explains why I could not get him on the phone when I wanted him to come get me so I could look for her. "Kirk, go up to the apartment and make sure, please?" "P, her car's not in the garage, but I'll go up and look around." Kirk puts the phone down and gets the master key to let himself in. He picks up the phone in the apartment and tells me she's not there. I tell him she's missing and she should have been here by now; that she texted me a long time ago, but she's still not here.

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