Europe tour

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The next few days go by quickly and I'm getting better and better, gaining strength and stamina. I hated to bid farewell to Bonnie and Steve on Saturday but they had to get back home. Over the next week prior to the concert, I worked a couple hours a day on his memoirs. The only thing I need to add is the concert experience that I will have here. I can get that wrapped up and off to the publishers quickly so they have it well before the deadline. He informs me he added two more concerts to fill in, one in Denmark and another in Portugal. We will also be in NYC at the end of August to support the NPG band performing there. We will meet with the publishers while we are there and finalized the memoirs book. He may make guest appearances but it is billed as Shelby J, Liv Warfield and NPG. We will have a week or more between so there will be plenty of time to rest and maybe see some sights.

The day before the concert here in Stockholm, he had a sound check at 10:00pm. I stayed behind to work on the book. He got back really late at 1am and was terribly frustrated as they had major issues getting the sound just right. Between the frustrations of the sound check and the penned up energy left over, he talked and talked. I listened with my full undivided attention as I usually do. It was the bewitching hour, so 'you know who' got the benefit of the energy left over. The concert the next evening went of without a hitch. The sound was perfect and he was happy with it. We had to pack when we got back to the house to leave for Denmark the next day. Even with that diversion, he was still high from the concert and we talked and talked before we took the party to the bathroom and then to bedroom. We flew out to Denmark and it was a very nice, large penthouse suite. I was really tired and he needed to go check the venue. Upon returning, we had a relaxing evening with dinner in the suite. Tomorrow is the only day we have to do sightseeing. The girls are wanting us to join them as Ida is from Denmark and knows all the good spots. The girls have their spouses and we tagged along seeing some of the  most beautiful sights to see. The people and paparazzi left us alone so it was enjoyable. We had a full day and dinner out. The next day was busy with sound check and everything. The concert was great and I was able to finish the book. I don't need Amsterdam but can alter it if I need to. We left the next day for Amsterdam to another penthouse suite. After awhile they get to look all alike. We enjoyed some more sight seeing and dinners out. I saw the Dr in Amsterdam and the surgery is healing extremely well. My next Dr visit will be in the Caribbean, hoping I will be released for more activity, mainly sex.  The concerts here are at smaller venues and there are two on the same night. We will have a bigger down time in Portugal of 12 days so he rented a house. We enjoyed the extra time in Portugal until we headed for NYC. There we met with the publishers and they gave us a proof copy of his memoirs to take with us. They told us the release date of the book is Black Friday, November 29th. He did two appearances at the City Winery in NYC with the NPG Band. We flew directly from the concert to the house in the Caribbean. 

I was so happy to see the house arriving late morning as we left after the show without going back to the hotel. The house was ready for us and the staff had a nice brunch type meal waiting. After we ate he suggested we take a shower and head to the beach cabana. I thought that sounded wonderful. We managed to catch a nap on the plane but I was still tired. The shower experience is always longer than anticipated, wash,  then pleasured, and wash again. After drying off, smoothing lotion on each other finding all the special spots to spend more time on and we were both very satisfied. We took a leisurely stroll down to the beach and stopped along the way for some intimate kissing and touching. Finally, a chance to rest and relax awhile. Ooops! I mean rest and romance. Arriving at the cabana, we get a drink from the cooler and pile up on the bed. He is beaming from ear to eat. I look at him, "Sweetheart, I know you are as happy as I am to finally be here, but what's the big smile for?" Just beaming back at me,"Baby, remember the concert proposal you looked at were the headliner might cancel and wanted me as back-up?" I nodded yes.  "Well, he canceled and we are going to Curacao this weekend." He was so excited he could not hold it back as a secret any longer. We are leaving on Friday for about an hour flight. I asked, "Are we going to see some of the other artists?" He replied, "That's the plan. Go in early Friday, relax during the day and see the shows on Friday nite. My concert is the headliner on Saturday." I was excited and asked, "Who are we going to see?" He told me "He wanted to see, Erykah Badu and Herbie Hancock. I might want to see, Diana Ross, Gladys Knight and Toto, to name a few." I got even more excited. "Where are we staying?" "The usual." I am so happy to finally see a festival since I missed most of Montreux. He told me it is the same band, same set as Montreux so I get to see what I missed. This is good news. Not to mention, the money for this one is an offer too good to refuse. I asked him if he was going to the Dr with me tomorrow and of course he is, "What time?" I told him 1:00pm. I asked him, "Sweetheart, I'm really tired and need a nap."  I threw him a curve,ball, "I don't have any of the support garments on right now. I want to take a nap free of bondage for a change and it is so warm, it will be more comfortable. Will you not mess with me?" "Baby, I'm tired too, come're and let's take a nap. It's time to rest and relax." I cuddle up to him and of course he wants me naked. This is the first time since the surgery we have been totally naked together in bed. Oh god, I hope this does not start something.  It felt good to lay on the beach with the warm breeze over my naked body next to him. He held me close and I fell asleep quickly. I was worn out and slept the afternoon away. When I woke up he was still with me and sleeping as well. I rarely get the opportunity to wake him, I kiss him softly and trail a kiss from his cheek to his lips. licking his lips and nibble just enough to get a slight gasp, he is awake and I can feel it.  One quick move he swoops me over and kisses me with such passion, a wave of heat went straight to my core. Oh God! I backed off as I cannot do anything without my compression garments. I can do him which I took to task and sent him on a trip around the world. When he returned from his trip, he held me "Baby, that was awesome. Thank you." I told him I was hungry and to order dinner on the terrace. He called the staff and dinner would be there in 30 minutes. We got dressed and took the long way back up to the house. We stopped to take time to enjoy each other, hugging and kissing. We enjoyed a nice dinner and retired upstairs for a wonderful bath and a beautiful night.

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