The Meet Up

126 14 4

December 28, 2013

I awake to him softly humming in my ear, still lovingly intertwined with each other. Looking at me, "Hello, Baby. Do you feel better today?" I stretch, nodding my head yes. "Baby, do you feel like talking to me?" I feel a wave of emotion come over me and he pulls me into him snugly, "Baby, no, no. I am not going to ask you to tell me anything that is hurtful to you. I wanted to ask you something." I know he has a thousand questions he would like to ask me, everyone does. If he has questions, I have to answer them so he will have knowledge and understanding of whatever he needs to know. "Sweetheart, I will answer any question you feel you need an answer to." He pulls me into his chest, "No, no, no. Baby, I don't need any answers. You have already told me all I need to know. I wanted to ask, would you arrange for me to meet with your friend, Jacques?" I backed away and looked at him in the eye with a furrow to my brow, "Why?" I wondered why in the world he wants to meet with him now? He does not like Jacques and that meeting could be disastrous. "Baby, I've been thinking. I need to thank him for everything he did for you. I owe him a debt of gratitude for that or you would not be here in my arms right now." He continues, "I also thought, he is here to write a story, I will give him an interview as my thanks to him. Can you set that up for me?" I took a deep breath and sigh, thinking this through. "When and where do you want this to go down?" I just hate this kind of pillow talk. It interferes with what else is on my mind. Why didn't he wait until we were having breakfast to ask me this? "Baby, invite him to the soundcheck this afternoon. You can talk to him during that time. After that, I'll interview him in my dressing room, alone without you. Are you okay with that?" I carefully think about this, "What are you going to say to him that you don't want me to hear?" "Baby, I am going to give him a brief interview about the show and I am not going do anything but talk to him, man to man, thanking him for saving your life. That's all. If you want to be there, I can still do what I need to do." "Sweetheart, if that is the way you want to do the interview, I'll come back to the hotel and wait for you here. Is that alright?" He thinks and says, "Baby, that would work perfect. Soundcheck is at 2:00." I know he will be alright with this and hope for the best.

I try to roll out of bed and he's grabbing me to stay, "Sweetheart, I have to pee and seeing the size of that morning hard on you have, I think you do too." While in the bathroom, I decide to take a quick shower and there is nothing quick about any shower. Wash me, wash you, pleasure me, pleasure you, wash again, slather lotion on you, lotion on me, pleasure again, we finally get through all that and back to bed. In the meantime, texted Jacques to meet me at the venue for soundcheck and he responded, "Can't wait to see you there, 2:00pm sharp!" I relay to him it is all set up. We cozie into each other, "Baby, I just love holding you like this." I can feel his hardness on my hip and I just want to take him in now. I've had enough of this holding and touching stuff, I need to feel him inside my hot, aching heaven. He has not done anything since last night but touch me. I plead, "Sweetheart, please?" He lays me on my back, hovering over me beginning to kiss my neck and collarbone. Trailing kisses to my breasts and running his hand up my inner thigh. I whimper in want and desire. "Baby, let me bring it to you." He is taking everything slow. First he pleasures me with his hands, then his lips and mouth, "Baby, I want to show you all my love." The morning was filled with touches of great intensity and passion. Everything became more joyful and less urgent. The need became the gift of love when he pleasures me even more with his body. Words became unnecessary as our hearts were communicating that lovers conversation of joining as one. Speaking to each other in perfect harmony, a joining of the body, mind and soul. The deep love and that inexplicable connection to one another, our bodies melded together as they were intended to do, so perfectly. We slept in each other's arms in all the splendor of our love until we were awakened by the alarm clock.

"Baby, I love you and I love holding you like this. I want to hold you like this forever." Kissing my neck so sweet and tenderly, trailing those kisses to my collarbone, he lays me on my back. I open my thighs automatically and he stormed the castle one last time with great intensity of the passion we share for one another, before we had to get ready for our day's commitments. We exited out of our love nest to take a shower and this time it was so intense,continuing to connect on all levels, we almost did not get out of there. He was fully dressed and waiting on me in the bedroom. Our schedule to get over to the arena is getting tighter and tighter with all the delays. I bend over, with my foot on the vanity bench to put my stockings on thinking we barely have enough time to eat and get over there. All of a sudden, he came at me like a charging bull and my butt was waving a red flag at him. Never-mind I had clothes on, it still knocked the wind out of me. I cracked up laughing and he proceeded to chase me all over the bathroom and bedroom. I stopped and he was several feet from me, "STOP! We are never going to get out of here if you don't quit." I turned and bolted into the living room shrieking with the butler standing there in shock wondering what was going on. He was delivering the food and said, "Is there a problem, Mrs.Nelson?" He was hanging back, still in the bedroom, laughing hysterically, and I said to the butler, "No, everything is just fine. Thank you." I quickly regain my composure and sat down at the table. The butler brings my food over to me, "Is there anything else you need ma'am?" I'm thinking, yeah, go in the bedroom and tie him up! I need to buy some time here so P-Studly-Cool chills his jets some. I calmly said, "A cup of coffee would be nice." In the background I can hear him still ripping with laughter so hard it is all I can do to keep my composure. The butler brings me a coffee and I tell him, "Thank you, he'll be out here in a few minutes. Just sit his plate over there and you don't have to wait." On second thought, maybe I should have him wait, so he will behave and we can get out of here without further delay. The butler sets his place at the table, places his plate of food there and then leaves. 

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