The Big Talk

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I wake up in the morning to find myself alone, so I get out of bed to go find him. I toddle out to the kitchen and hear him talking to someone. When I get to the kitchen, I see he's on the phone. Making myself a cup of coffee I try to get his attention to see if he wants one. He sees me and gives me a thumb up. Taking our coffee to the table, I glean he's talking to the building maintenance company about the backup power at Paisley. He tells them to fix it and hangs up. 

Leaning over to me for a good morning kiss, "Sweetheart, what did they say?" "Baby, it needs a part they won't have until tomorrow which means they won't have it fixed until the day after tomorrow. I was hoping they could fix it quickly so I could take you back today. Are you going to be okay, Baby?" "Yes, Sweetheart. I'm alright staying here." "Good, I'm so glad Baby." "I'm going to warm up some of the quiche, would you like some?" "Baby, I'd love some of your cooking. Do we have any fruit to go with it?" "Yes, I'll get it ready for us." I heated the food up and made a fruit side to go with it while he made some more phone calls. Perfect, I found some banana muffins to go with our brunch. 

I went to the office to let him know it was ready and he held up one finger. I head back to the kitchen to take the plates to the table. Taking my seat, I say a prayer to God thanking him for keeping us safe and providing a warm place to stay. Looking up, I see he's at the table as I finished. "Baby, this looks wonderful, where's the whipped cream for the fruit?" "Are you serious? Remember what happened the last time we did a round of whipped cream here? I'm not well enough for that." I smirked. He comes in for a kiss, "I'm sorry Baby. I forgot. Humm, that might be fun in a couple days when you're better." "Sweetheart, eat your lunch." I smiled and hope I can get some rest today. My head feels fine and I want to keep it that way. I hope he doesn't try to get me to talk again about this house. 

"Baby, would it be alright if I work in the studio today while you rest?" "Sure Sweetheart, that's fine. I'm just going to hang out in bed. Will you check-in on me to make sure I'm alright?" "No problem Baby, I'll make sure you are okay." When he finishes lunch he tucks me in bed and heads to the studio downstairs. Kissing me softly, "Baby, you rest and I'll check-in on you. I love you. Hope you have sweet dreams of me." "Thank you, Sweetheart. I'm sure I will. I love you too." 

I have to rest and not think about anything, but that's hard to do right now. Organizing my thoughts, I know I'm going to have to talk to him about this house sooner or later. He truly loves this house.....was dreaming about building it last year when he showed me the property. Yes, it's big and beautiful, but I wish he had consulted me because I'd prefer a smaller house. I have to attempt to be open minded when we talk; I need to explain that marriage is a partnership, we make major decisions together as one. When it comes to his music and touring, that's his job and I have no problem with him making those business decisions independently from me. If he wants to include me, that's fine too. This house is quite a different story however, especially the way in which he presented it, as a 'gift' with the deed in my name only. What worries me is, in the past when he gave his previous wives a house, he was DONE. With the wife, the life,and all of it. While he's given me no reason to think that is the case, it is troublesome nonetheless.... those old patterns of his. Well, let me sleep on it again. I know the right words will come when we do talk about it. I'm constantly open and honest about my feelings; I love him and love always finds a way.


I am so.... hurt and disappointed that she doesn't love the house. I know now that it's not what she wanted. She's unlike any other women, so I'm unsure why those particular words fell out of my mouth, I will never be able to make it up to her. She may forgive me, but I'll never forgive myself for hurting her. In trying to communicate with her it came out all wrong because I was upset and surprised to hear she didn't love the house as much as I do... as much as I hoped she would. Change, Change, Change! I need to change and adapt my thinking when it comes to her! This is going to be a journey of the unknown for me. She is completely unique and so different from all the women in my past; I must remember that.

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