Chapter 27-Friday

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I wake up and he is still holding me. I check to see if he is awake. He is. I say, "Good Morning Sweetheart." He bends down and kisses me and says, "Good  Morning Baby." I tell him, I need my pain meds, now. He said he was wondering about that. I said, "Help me up so I can use the bathroom while you get them for me." He says, "Anything my love." I meet him in the bedroom with my pain meds. I took them and asked him, "So do you want to help me with my shower or do you want to get Cathy to  do it?" He thought about it and said, "I'd love to help you Baby, but after that talk last nite, I'd better get Cathy to help you." I said, "OK, works for me." He said, "When do you want her?" I said, "After breakfast." He said, "So, what do you want for breakfast?" I told him, "I just want some cereal with fruit and a big cup of coffee." He came over to me and took my arm and walked me out to the dining room. I sat down and he got me my breakfast in double quick time. Somethings up? Why is he moving at warp speed,hum. I asked him, "So what do you have planned for today?" He got all excited and proceeded to tell me all about the video shoot tomorrow. Now, I know he can shoot that thing in nothing flat. So what's the big deal? I said, "So what are you doing today?" He says, "I have the girls coming in this afternoon to practice for the shoot and was hoping you would feel up to watching." I said,"Sure, I'd love to see it. How long will it last?" He said,probably just a couple hours, can you do that? I said, "Yes,  I think I can but, I'll need to rest before hand. Can you make yourself  scarce?" He said, "Already got that covered. I'll get Cathy and she can help you with whatever you need. I'll come and get you when it is time for the rehearsal." I said, "OK, take me to the bathroom and I'll wait there for Cathy." He helps me to the bathroom and there is a chair in there so I sit there to wait for her. I hear her come into the apartment and call to her. She comes back and of course she has to know what happened last nite. I told her we talked about the sex abstention. She said, "How did he take it?" I said, that is why you are here. He took it well. I don't think in his mind that it was that dangerous. He knows now it is andhe promised me he would behave." She clapped and laughed. I said,"Don't make me laugh, it hurts too much." She said, "So, how dowe do this." I said, there is the package of the waterproof wrap. Ineed you to help me get that on and besides, I figured you'd want to see this anyway." She helped get my gown off and she got a chance to admire her work. I said, "Look how easy this slides off. It is fantastic for this kind of surgery, Cathy." She got the wrap on and we fixed it up. She moved me over to the shower and helped me. She fixed my hair for me while I put on my makeup and I was good to go. I just needed to figure out what to wear so it is comfortable on. I said, "Take a good look at this." She looked the surgery area over and said, if it looks as good under as it does on top, wow that's a good surgeon." I told her, they are already bigger than I was to begin with. She laughed. I told her, "That little shit looked at me in the Dr office when Dr was explaining the surgery process and said, 'Can I pick the size?' She just busted out laughing. I told her there is an implant with saline so they can keep adding more saline to it to get skin stretched to the desired size.  There it is, "Desired" and that is what triggered him. So I have a Dr appointment Monday to get the bandages off and drains out. I don't know if he is going to add any saline at this point or not.Right after that, we are supposed to leave for Turks and Caicos. And another thing I told her, "Cathy, they get me back from recovery and I'm all settled in and he hops up in the bed next to me and I cannot reach him. He was having trouble reaching me because of the crack in the beds. I figured he would just come on over and cuddle up.   Oh no, he takes off down the hall and comes back. Quickly, there is a BIG, like a double bed, being delivered to the room. I figure it is for those large people getting weight reduction surgery and it worked perfect for us. So now they had to move me again which he has no idea how painful it is even with drugs but whatever to make him happy. She just laughed and laughed. I say, "he was entertaining at times and not musically. And those nurses, they kept making sweet little comments and they were really great about it. They were in awe of the whole thing. And see those purple roses over there, he got them somehow and the nurse watched that whole presentation go down. He was apologizing to me for something but I have no idea what. God love him. He was really fantastic about this whole thing and beyond my wildest dreams. He was a good Girlfriend to me and it really helped me feel better. Cathy, I know he loves me and this surgery venture was telling what he is all about. If we do get married, I know he will take good care of me, no matter what." Cathy says, "G,he is over the moon with you and he would move a mountain if he has to for you. I think you will see, all is going to be fine." I said,  "I hope so. I love him so much. I don't want to loose him." She then says, "What can I get you to wear today?" I told her it has to be a dress. I still can't stand anything around my waist." She heads to the closet and pulls out a nice dress for today. Not too dressy and just enough to look good. I said, "That will work."She dresses me and I am ready to take the day on. I asked her, 'What does the staff know about my surgery?" She said, "He just told them that you had to have some corrective surgery and would be in the hospital a couple days. No details." And Patrick? She paused and said, "I told Patrick everything. I hope that was OK?" I said,"Of course it is. I was going to tell him anyway. Thanks for doing that." Cathy says, "How are you feeling today?" I said, "I feel really good today. I know if I over do it, I'll pay for it. And when I get too tired, I crash really fast. So, I need to rest before the rehearsal. Cathy says, "Where do you want to rest?" I told her, "The recliner and turn on the TV." I can sleep just fine there and watch a few shows as well if I'm not too sleepy." Cathy takes me into the living room and sets me up. She hugs me and says call if I need her for anything. I thought quick, "What are you doing tomorrow?" She said, He already asked me to come in early to help you." I said "Great, Thanks!"I did not last long and I passed out quickly. Next thing I know, there he is, kissing me softly to wake me up. It was almost a like a ½ dream and ½ reality. I woke up and he was smiling from ear to ear. He says, "Hello Love, are you ready for the rehearsal?" I say, "I'm ready for some pain meds and then rehearsal." He already had them for me so I took them and he helped me up. He looked me over and went, "Umm, Umm, Umm,  you look stunning." Now how could any woman ever get tired of hearing that from a man. I said, "Take me with you. I'm ready to see this." He took me downstairs and the walk was great. I had on flats but that's OK, the dress looks really good. We got to the rehearsal space and the girls were there on stage ready to rip. They wave at me. He had a nice sofa for me to sit on and he hopped up onstage and they ran thru their numbers. The crew was busy setting up the lighting and other staging. He stopped and came over and told me the next one was the video. He hopped back up on stage and they played it perfectly. I see the girls smiling from ear to ear and  I know something up. He takes the mic off the stand and comes over tome and sings me If I Was You Girlfriend. He changed up some of the  lyrics which he can and does quite well. Then about ½ way, I zoned out. I did not cry but it was hard not to. A couple tears leaked out.  That man! The girls came over and hugged me. Donna said, "He is a hot mess for you." I said, "Yeah, I know." They all said they'd see me tomorrow at the shoot. He came back from where ever he was and sat down with me. I just collapsed into him. I could not hold the tears back. He said, "Baby don't cry. I just reworked it for you and wanted you to hear it." I said, "I know. It is just so hard to not make love to you for such a beautiful song." He said, "Come on Baby, let's go get something to eat, OK?" I said, "Sounds good to me." So we head out and instead of going back upstairs, he take me over to the Little Kitchen. I get there and the table is set  beautifully with candles and rose pedals on it. I said, "What's the occasion?" BAM! Then it hit me! No, no, no I can't do this. It had better not be what I think it might be. He gathers me up and takes me over to the table, and sits me down. And then says, "I just wanted a nice dinner with my pretty lady. That's all." He motions for Chef Ray to bring out our dinners It is broiled shrimp on a bed of zucchini noodles with a garlic sauce, a Cesar salad. It looks wonderful. I told him it looked and smelled really good. I took one bite and I was in heaven. Real food for a change. Then Ray brought out the dessert and it was that Death By Chocolate. I just love it.  It was really nice to have this dinner. I told him, "You are a hopeless romantic." He just smiled. We headed upstairs for the  evening. I was exhausted. I asked, "Is it time for my pain meds? He  checked and said, "Yes." So he got them for me and I took them. I said to him, "Can you help me get out of this dress without raping  me?" He looked at me with those come hither eyes and said, "Baby,  I told you I would be good." I said, "Yeah, I know, just  checking." So he takes me to the bedroom and I just know he is going to try something. Before he took my dress off, I said,"Sweetheart I have to warn you, you might see something that may  trip your trigger. OK?" He said, "Baby, I'm good." I said,"OK." He unzips my dress and it falls to the floor and you guessed it, his trigger has been tripped.  He says, "Baby, a thong!  Oh my goodness! Can I play just a little bit?" I said, "I told you and NO! Go take a cold shower if you have to.  I can finish this."  His fingers are already tracing the lines of it. I caved, "OK, but just a little and you can not get me aroused OK?" He nods in agreement. So he proceeds to just touch it and slowly move it aside and just barely touches me. He is really good at this stuff. He's had  a lot of practice. I said, "When you get done with that, just take them off, OK?" He is like in shangri-la.  I tolerated it for just a short while and said, "OK, enough of that." He was titillating me too much at this point. He slowly pulls them down and I step out of them. I thought he was going to attack me but he did really well. He went in my closet and got me a nightgown and helped me get it on. He sat me down on the bed and sat with me, He hugged me and said, "Oh baby, that was great. Thank you!" He got me in bed and went and changed his clothes. He slid in beside be and proceed to wrap his arms around me and cradle me. He whispered in my ear, "Oh baby,thank-you, thank-you, thank-you. I love you for letting me do that."I said, "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." He really did exercise a huge amount of control. I have to hand it to him on that. He proceeded to kiss me softly on my face and caress me jawline. He starts to hum a familiar tune on the house system and I faded to sleep.  

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