Love Will Find A Way

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I wake with him kissing me softly as he usually does. "Baby, the Dr is here to see how you are doing." I sit up to see Dr. McDreamy, standing right there in front of me and I had a hard time taking my eyes off of him. If he asks me some coherency questions, it will be very difficult to answer them. Gezz, this is a predicament, I have McSteamy to my right, in bed with me and McDreamy on my left hovering over me and asking me how I feel. All I can emit is, "umm-hum." I decide to look at McSteamy to divert my attention as I am totally at a loss for words. Dr McDreamy proceeds to recap everything that went on in the ER last night. Dear Lord, I don't remember him being that gorgeous last night. He did have scrubs on and all that garb. He asks if I have any pain, "Nah-uh" shaking my head no. The Dr informs us, I can go home today as long as I rest and sleep for my brain to heal from the trauma of the concussion. Instructs me to take Tylenol if I have a headache and he will leave an instruction sheet with the discharge papers explaining what to do and not do when I get home. He emphasized that my brain needs rest and relaxation; not do anything for 3 days before I return to normal activity. I smiled and managed to say, "Thank-you." 

After he left, "Baby, I texted Kirk and he's on his way. I told him to bring your purple cape coat since your other clothes have been trashed. They had to cut them off of you." "Thank you Sweetheart. I am feeling really droopy. I'm going to sleep until it's time to go." He changes his clothes and holds me in his arms, caressing me to comfort me until Kirk texted us he's down in the garage. The key card from last week still worked. Hilda comes in, all smiles, with a wheelchair to take me down to the parking garage, along with the discharge papers and instruction sheet. When we get down the elevator, Kirk is there waiting on us with my cape coat. We head out into the garage and load up in the car. Kirk turns to say "Gigi you look so much better today. How do you feel?" "A lot better Kirk, thank you." Kirk inquires, "P, where are we going?" "Take us to Paisley." And off to home we go. 

There was a blanket in the backseat and he has me lay across him sitting, cradling me in his arms close, covers me up so I'll keep warm, holding my head close into the crook of his neck. He keeps kissing me over and over, my forehead(I love you), my eyes(I love you), my nose(I love you), my chin(I love you), my cheeks(I love you), my lips, "I love you, Baby, I'm so happy you're going to be alright." "Um-huh. I love you, Sweetheart." Holding my hand and running his thumb over my knuckles in that familiar pattern, as I try to rest and sleep. He hums a tune for me and I finally doze off. I wake up to his warm kisses. "Baby, we're home. Time to get you up to bed." We are in the heated garage at Paisley and he assists me out of the car. I feel like I've been hit by a bus. We get into the elevator, up to the 2nd floor and into the apartment. I take my cape off and head to the kitchen for a pain pill. My knee is aching me and it will make me feel better so I can sleep. "Baby, are you hungry?" "Nope Sweetheart, I just want to go to bed. Will you stay with me?" "Of course Baby, I'm not leaving you." 

He leads me to the master suite and he helps me take off my robe and slippers. After he changes into his PJ's, he picks up my legs and swings me into bed, sliding in behind me. Nuzzling into the back of my neck, "Baby, I love you. Are you comfortable?" I nod my head yes as he pulls me close into him. "I love you, Sweetheart. Don't leave me, I'm afraid I won't wake up." "Aw Baby. I'm here to take care of you. I love you and I won't leave you." Kissing my neck, he hums a sweet song that relaxes me to drift off to sleepytown. 

 I'm awakened to him humming to me, "Sweetheart, I'm awake now. I need something to eat." "Baby, do you feel like going downstairs?" "Sure, I think I'm fairly back to normal. Do you have a nice dinner planned?" "Nothing special,Baby.  I had Ray fix some good comfort food to help you feel better."


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