Shauns POV

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Right at this moment, I'm sitting in Andy's car with Bradie driving next to me. Andy and Bradie both talked me into this date. Idiots. I could've gotten her on my own eventually. I wasn't really sure how long I was sitting here in this car for, probably not that long anyway, and if you were wondering, no, I'm not nervous or having an emotional breakdown and all that other bullshit. I figured that since me and Kell have been so tight and we've known each other since we learned how to write without using your finger as a space in primary school, it wouldn't be awkward.. i hope.

"So, you ready?" Maddie lives just around the corner." Bradie said.

"Yeah man. I'm a Diviney and Diviney's are ready for anything."

"Righty-o." He turned the corner and pulled into the driveway. Bradie cut the engine and we sat in silence.

"So," he  finally said. "What are you gonna say when you see her? Do you even know where we're going?" 

I thought for a moment.

"Say hi and no."

Bradie just laughed.

"We're going to watch a movie and then, since it's still early, we're gonna do whatever the ladies want and just hang out and whatever."

"Hm." I said. "Okay."

"Wanna go now?"

"Sure. Can't wait to see Kell." and I couldnt help but smile as I closed the door behind me.

Me and Bradie both walked up to the door and I rung the bell. About a minute or so later, Maddie's mum opened the door.

"Good evening, Judith." Bradie said with a smile. "How are you?"

"Hello Bradie and Shaun." I waved. 

"I'm great thank-you. The girls will be out in a little bit. Please come on in." and she held the door open for us and we walked inside.

"Thanks." I said and we all fimbled into the living room. I made myself  at home like i normally would when I came here, and so did Bradie who sat next to me on the long couch. "So... anything new? I haven't seen you in a while."

"Well nothing really new actually." 

She came into the room and sat on the single couch across the room from us. "Practically the same. And yes, it's been a while since you came around here, Shaun. How come you don't come so frequently aymore like you used to?" 

"Well, you know." I coughed, feeling the awkwardness of the random question. "I've been writing a lot of songs lately and touring a little bit and school and stuff like that."

"I see." she just smiled. A moment later, she stood up and walked to the  hallway. Me and Bradie then noticed that Maddie and Kell were making their way down the stairs. 

"Hopefully you all have a good night.

Oh, and boys, make sure they're home by 11. Have fun." she kissed Maddie's head and waved to Kell and walked out of sight.

"Hey." Bradie said to Maddie, walking up to her.

They were in their own little world while they showed eachother their 'hellos'. When I glanced at Kell, she was wearing grey skinnies and converse, with loose black shirt and a feminine leather jacket, unlike mine. Her long brown hair was out and long loose curls with her fringe out to the side. Very casual. She was stunning.

"Wow." I said to her. "You're perfect." She just smiled.

"You, on the other hand. look handsome like always." She said back to me and I could'nt help but smiled too.

We both gave each other a hug and our usual kiss on the cheek and after the other hellos to one another, we were out the door and piling into Andy's car. Maddie sat next to Bradie up the front, who was driving yet again, and I sat in the back with Kell. The ride to the movies didn't take too long, at least 10 minutes flat.

Everyone got out of the car after we found a parking spot and we all went on inside. After a few minutes of looking around the place, I decided to speak up.

"Kickass sounds pretty good. How about we watch that?" I asked everyone who were stilling looking at the movie ties and posters.

"Yeah, but that starts late. We won't have that much time to hang out afterwards cause we have to get home by 11." Bradie said, looking a little disappointed.

"How about Saw 6? They're re-screening it on request." asked Maddie. "It starts in a few minutes but the ads at the beginning take forever so I doubt we'd miss much."

"Awesome!" Kell said and we all agreed.

Bradie went over to line up at the small cue so me and the girls waited by the entry. Eventually Bradie came over and handed a ticket to each person. We all gave our tickets to the guy who ripped them in half and then returned the leftover's to us. 

"Door 7." he told us. "Have a nice night, guys".

We slowly went over to a small line and paired up in our dates, mumbling what we all wanted to get to eachother. We then joined the line at the candy counter.

"What would you like, Kell? Its on me."

I looked down at her and she wrapped her arms around my waist. If felt a tad strange but I liked it, even though we did this to each other all the time but this time I knew that it was different.

"You dont have to get me anything." she looked up at me and made the cutest grin.

"Aw, come on, How about I'll get a medium popcorn and coke combo and we'll share, yeh?"

"Perfect." she said and I couldn't help but smile back at her.

When it was our turn at the counter, we ordered and the shuffled ot the side. I stabbed two straws into the plastic cover of the cup and then handed the pop corn to Kell, waiting patiently for the other two. 

After reuniting. we walked to the cinema and found our seats. It wasn't that packed. There were at least 3 other groups of teenagers. One behind, and the other two groups were at opposite ends of the cinema away from everyone else. We were smack bam in the middle. Me and Bradie decided that since it was a double dare, we would have a few hundredseats in between us and our dates.



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