Jumpnow's POV

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“Are you lost without me? Are you better off dead? You should keep it all here in the back of your head.” I sang softly to myself while strumming the acoustic.

It’s funny how a Short Stack song was jammed into my brain right at this moment.

Ding Dong!

“The fuck’s this?” I mumbled to myself.

I placed the guitar vertically by the couch and the floor. I heaved myself off my ass and walked over to answer the door. I twisted the knob and pulled the door open. There stood Kell and Shaun.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear, I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes.

“Hey.” Kell said to me. I cautioned myself.

“What do you want?” I wasn’t in the mood. “Why don’t you have sex somewhere else, yeah?” I tried shutting the door but Kell stopped me.

“We’re not leaving until we sort this shit out.” she said to me.

“And if we don’t?” I asked, annoyed as fuck now.

“Then we’ll pretend like we’ve never met.” she looked away as she spoke. I knew that she didn’t mean it.


I pushed the door open and walked inside. They followed me close behind. Shaun closed the door and him and Kell sat down on my couch.

Better throw that out, too, I thought to myself.

I sat on the single couch, the furthest one away. I didn’t want to be near either of them.

“I came here because clearly, this shit is fucking up my life.” Kell said to both me and Shaun.

“Should’ve thought of that before you let him fu-” I was cut short.

“Shut up, Jump. I don’t want to hear your smart ass comments.” she held out a hand to me. “As I was saying, you two need to sort this out. I don’t know what the problem is.”

“I’ll start.” Shaun finally spoke. “What I did that night, I really don’t fucking regret.”

“Well, why did you do it? That’s the whole reason why I’m pissed off in the first fucking place!” I said back to Shaun.

“I did it because you still love Kell and I know that you had more alone time with her than I ever had. I’m with her, not you. I love her and she loves me too. Can’t you leave it as that?”

“I love her too, and the last time I checked, she did too. So how can I just forget that? Me and Kell had something special.”

“I know that. Obviously, you cant get over the fact that she’s with me. Not you, me! You’re just jealous that I actually got the girl in the end.”

My heart stopped beating. He was right. He actually got her in the end. As much as I tried and tried, me and Kell never actually dated. We were together for a little while until I idiotically introduced Shaun to her. By then, she left me for him and we’ve never been the same since. But as soon as I found out that both of them started dating, I needed to do something. I felt the most strongest pull to. She didn’t deserve him, especially since he decided to go behind my back like that.

“That’s not fair.” I spoke back to him.

“Come on you guys.” Kell said to us both. “Now Jump, you kinda know why he did it. Is everything okay now or do I need to say something too?”

“I can’t believe you’re backing him up like this.” I said to her. “I’ve known you for as long as I can remember and you don’t care about what I think? Is that how it is now?”

“No Jump, of course not. You and Shaun are the most special people in my life right now. You both just don’t fucking understand how hard it is for me to try and fix this.” Tears began to form in her eyes but she kept on talking. “You both don’t understand how much this is effecting me. I’m the one getting hurt here, not you or Shaun. Me! Okay. So if you want to see me happy again, can you both agree to promise me something?” She wiped her eyes as soon as she was finished.

“Fine.” I said, rolling my eyes.

I hated when she wasn’t her happy self, then again, I hated it when I agreed to her little schemes.

“Fine.” Shaun repeated.

“I want Jumpnow to go with you and the boys on your tour.” she said to Shaun.

“WHAT!” me and Shaun screamed at the same time.

“I thought you wanted me to be happy?” she said to us both.

“Yeah but how is this gonna make you happy?” I asked her.

“I want you to go with Shaun so you boys can spend some time together. Fix these problems. Be best friends again. I want to see you both happier than me. It would mean the world to me.” she pulled a little smile at her thought.

“Fine.” I said again. “Whatever floats your boat.”

Shaun sighed and Kell turned to look at him.

“Please?” she said to him. “For me?”

“Alright.” he said back to her and he kissed her tenderly.

I had to look away. It was disturbing enough knowing that we slightly figured everything out.

“I guess I should go pack now, right?” I said to Kell, urging them both to get out.

“Yeap. Well, this is what me and Shaun came here for. We’ll leave you to it. I’ll see you later.”

She stood up and came over to me. I stood up after her and she kissed my cheek. I did the same to her and they both headed out the front door.

“This is fucking fantastic.” I sighed to myself.

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