Shauns POV

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I was sitting outside with my almost finished beer, watching Bradie and Maddie chase each other around. They may be in their teens, but it was cute I have to admit. I turned and looked through the window where I saw Jumpnow and Kell talking together. They were sitting pretty close but I knew nothing would happen. Then again, I could be wrong. I gulped down the rest of the beer and walked on inside the house, placing the bottle onto the counter.

"Ahaha!" Kell laughed at Jump.

"You really think so?" she laughed again and play punched him in the arm. Then he started laughing too. 

"Oh Jay, you make me laugh."

I just stood there watching them both.

Did she just call him Jay?" I asked myself.

"Kell, it wasn't even a joke. You just have a dirty mind." Jumpnow replied back to her.

Kell? I questioned myself again. I decided to have a little chat to them so I walked over and sat on the single couch where Jumpnow sat in earlier.

"Hey, what's so funny?" I asked them, smiling.

"Uh.. nothing Shaun. Inside joke." Jumpnow told me then turned back to look at Kell.

"I'll let you in on it later, Shaun. Dont worry." Kell told me and she smiled.

"Right. Well I think I should head on home. Mum wants me to do a few things for her and I have a sog coming on from the back of my head. I can feel it."

Kell quietly began singing the chorus of 'Back Of My Head'. We all laughed.

"Okay. I'm gonna stick around here for a little while longer but I'll call you later on tonight, okay." Kell stood up and headed over to me. 

"Sweet." I said to her and we kissed goodbye.

I made extra sure that the kiss lasted a little longer so that she knows who she's with. When we pulled apart, I said over my shoulder as I walked on out the door, "See you later Jumpnow."

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