Maddies POV

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We walked out of Subway and headed towards where we parked Andy's car. Bradie placed his arm around me and I put mine around his waist. He kissed my hair.

"What do you think Shaun and Kell are doing?" i asked him.

"I dunno." He said as we turned the corner. "Probably talking and making out somewhere." We both laughed.

"Where do you wanna go?" Bradie asked as we neared the car. I hesitated for a minute.

"Anywhere but here." I replied and gave him a smile. he smiled back. 


We got in the car and he started the engine. He drove out of the spot and headed in the opposite direction.

"Where are we going?" I asked feeling heaps happy.

"Surprise." He said and turned to look at me, a grin on his face and then turned back around to watch the road.

He clearly knew me well. I absolutely loved surprises. He turned a few corners and then drove in the driveway. I knew exactly where we were.

"Uh...wouldn't your parents be home? And Andy?" I looked at him, feeling a little disappointed.

"The parents went to go to Sydney for the weekend. Andy's mum wanted to visit her sister so me and Andy get the whole place to ourselves. But for Andy being here, I guess I'll bribe him to go visit Sonny or Jumpnow or something."

I nodded and we both got out of the car. We walked up to the front door, hand in hand, and Bradie turned the handle. 

"Ah! Home sweet home." He said and he turned to look at me. "I'll see if Andy's anywhere. Just think of something to do until i get back." He came over and we held a kiss before he pulled apart a minute later. "I'll be back." He said in an Arnold Schwarzenegger inpersonation and headed towards the rooms.

"Okay." I walked over to the living room and sat down on the couch. I found a Spiderman colouring booklying on the coffee table. I picked it up and started to quickly flick through it. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. "Oh, Bradie. You're such a kid." I threw it back onto the table.

Without thinking of a single thing to do, I turned my body around and laid on the couch, taking up all of the space it could offer. I closed my eyes. A second later, I felt my lips touch against something and I knew exactly who it was. I kissed him back and opened my eyes.

"Hello beautiful." Bradie cooed.

"Think of anything to to but sleep?"

I thought for a second and something crossed my mind.

"Not exactly." I replied and he chuckled a little. "But I have a better idea." He looked at me a little funny.

"Follow me." I winked at him and made my way to his bedroom. 

I opened the door and noticed how bloody clean it was for the first time in months. Most things were still the same which was nice. The sonic Hedgehog painted wallpaper was sitll there, his laptop on his table, his mini drum set in the corner and then a pile of fan gifts that was around the wardrobe which i assumed wouldn't fit inside anymore. I turned around and saw him standing by the door.

"What do you have in mind?" he asked me. He looked a little nervous.

"I don't know." I laughed to myself.

"Anything." I went over and say by his spiderman bed. He came over and sat next to me.

"Please tell me that you're thinking what I think you're thinking." 

He shut his eyes and his head fell forward into a slump.

"Wait. You think I was thinking about have sex with you, right?" I looked at him. He slowly brought his head up and looked me in the eyes. He sighed.

"Yeah." He said softly.

"We dont have to if you don't want to. I thought about it but I didn't think you wanted to."

"Well just so you know Andy's not here so we have the whole house to ourselves." He said in a quiet voice. He leaned in towards me and we kissed. He pulled us apart and I melted there and then. "Is that good enough for you?" 

"For now." I said smiling back at him.

I would wait.

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