Jumpnow's POV

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I could see Kell dancing with Shaun from where I was. I still couldn’t understand how she wanted him over me, even after we told each other that we loved one another. It’s fucking killing me! *deep breath* Well, I saw Shaun take her inside. I wonder what he’s up to.

“Andy,” I nudged him in the arm. “Shaun wandered inside if you wanted to know. I’m gonna go see if he’s okay.”

“No worries.” Andy replied. I went through the over dramatically happy crowd. Finally, making it to the other side, I scanned my house.

“Damn people.” I muttered to myself.

I started playing with one of my snakebites with my tongue. This always helped me think straight.

Where could you be? I thought to myself.

I couldn’t see them and honestly, I don’t wanna fucking know what Shaun was up to. It wasn’t for my eyes and ears anyway. Seeing how empty the bowls were, I decided to fill them up. I grabbed 3 massive packets of Rock Deli chips from the cupboard. Lucky I stocked them up when I did. I opened up a packet and emptied it in that once filled bowl.

“Let me help you.” someone said to me.

I looked up. It was Beth. Typical.

“Sure.” I replied.

“Enjoying yourself?” she asked me.

“A little bit, though people need to calm down on their eating habits.” She laughed.

“Fair enough.” She emptied a pack and I did the last. “Have you seen Kell anywhere?”

I rolled my eyes.

“I saw her dancing with Shaun and then she disappeared.”

“Oh well. I’ll find her later then. Cya.”

I waved goodbye and sighed, wondering if I should bother doing the same. I shook my head, as if getting the thought out of my head.

“Nahh, I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

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