Bradie's POV

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After making out at the piano for a few minutes, Vanessa stood up.

“Where are you going?” I asked her, a confused expression on my face.

She continued walking, turning her head to look at me at the same time, smiling.

“Wanna help me make some dinner?”

I stood up and followed her. By the time I could reach her, she was already taking out packets of spaghetti from the cupboard. I gave her a hug from behind and kissed her cheek.

“Of course, baby.” I whispered in her ear.

She gave out a little giggle.

Cooking the dinner was uber fun. I wanted to be the man of the house and handle the hot stove and she let me, to my surprise. After boiling the spaghetti, draining it and pouring in the sauce, our dinner was finally done. This time, with no mess. Vanessa volunteered to plate up so that left me with fixing up the table. I grabbed the glasses, utensils and whatever else that was needed from the cupboards, setting them down delicately at each end. As I sat at my spot, Vanessa placed both of our plates down on either ends, one in front of me. We ate and laughed and sipped our water, talking about the good old days, the group, what was new and begging each other some more to either stay in Budgewoi or come on tour. After about an hour of eating and having dessert, Vanessa thought it was a great idea to watch one last movie before heading off to sleep before my departure. We cleaned and dried the dishes and then heading towards my room, darkening the house behind us. Not bothered to change clothes, I slipped into my queen sized bed as Vanessa set up the movie.

“What are we watching?” I asked her.

She put down the DVD case and headed over to me. She slipped into my bed beside me and smiled.


I grinned. I wrapped my arms around her as we watched the screen. The movie started and to my surprise it was Dear John.

“Why watch this?” I asked her. “I don’t want you to cry or anything.” Vanessa turned to look at me.

“I heard it was good and I wanted to watch this with you.”

I kissed her forehead and we both began to watch.


Things just happened from there but believe me, I had no intentions what-so-ever to take things to the next step. It just kinda… happened.

A tear fell down her face.

“Don’t cry, Nessa. Everything will be okay. Trust me.” I whispered to her.

“I believe you.” She whispered back.

She pulled a small smile in the dark and she leaned over to kiss me. Things didn’t get rough. We weren’t like that when we were in situations like this. If it was mucking around then it would be but this definitely wasn’t it. I kissed her back, getting my left hand lost in her hair. It was just slow kisses… for now. After a while, things began to change and I didn’t really mind. Something just took over the both of us. We talked about this before, a few times actually, if we wanted to do this or not. We agreed to just wait a few years, you know. Not like most couples these days but it felt like I was never going to see her again and I didn’t know why. She began to slowly strip my cat shirt off, tossing it behind her and onto the floor. I did the same to my shirt that she wore, tossing it next to mine. Still multitasking, we began taking other unnecessary items of clothing off. The skinnies and what not… no need for details.

So here Vanessa and I were, lying on my queen bed. Wearing nothing but having each other in our embrace was enough. Still kissing, I moved down to her neck, taking a final kiss before speaking while breathing a little bit heavy.

“Are you sure about this?” I asked her, my eyes closed and still unsure. I could tell that she nodded.

Honestly, I’m really not the type to think about sex and stuff like that. Typically, Andy and Shaun do. They talk about it 75% of the time I’m with them. You see, being the youngest in Short Stack and in our group of friends was tough. Everyone being more mature than you, them experimenting more than you. That shit sucked, don’t get me wrong. But really, I don’t even plan to have sex until I’m married or something. Definitely not the age of 17. That’s what defines the line with me, Andy and Shaun. They’ve done it a few times before but me? Never. Didn’t think about it. Didn’t want to. You see, I’m more of a cuddler. I love hugs and hell, I love having hugs and kisses at the same time. That’s how the Webb rolls. Especially when I get them from Vanessa. If you’re wondering, yes she hasn’t done this shit before either so it’s kinda new to us, but at least we love each other enough to give it one shot before I don’t see her for a little while, even if we agreed multiple times that we shouldn’t.

“Yes.” She whispered. “I love you, Bradie. I wouldn’ t do this with anyone else.”

I couldn’t help but smile. I opened my eyes and looked up to see her face. I could tell that she wasn’t lying.

“I love you too, Vanessa.”

After I kissed her on the forehead, I reached over to grab what was needed from the bedside drawer. I never really bothered to buy condoms and shit before. Didn’t seem like time but I guess it was wise though that Andy was looking out for me and bought them for my birthday, just in case. Obviously, I tore it open and with the help of Vanessa to get me into the mood, I put it on.

Things weren’t what I expected from there on when it all started. It wasn’t like the movies… it was definitely different. I, on the other hand, wanted to be careful. I wanted Vanessa to be safe after all… just like how I promised her mother.

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