Jumpnow's POV

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After I departed from school and waved Kell goodbye, I headed over to the bottle shop before going straight home. Yes, I’m underage for liquor and if you’re wondering, no I didn’t get arrested and thrown into jail. I have a few mates that work there so they lend me a hand by selling me some beers under one condition; they could come trash the party and bring re-fills. Typical bitches but I know nothing would go wrong in the end. When I arrived, I did the massive decorating. The streamers, balloons, banner, fixing up the stage and making sure it wasn’t going to fall apart. Jimmy and Sonny sometimes set these things up dodgy. After a good hour and a half, I decided to take a well needed nap. I laid on the couch and quickly fell asleep…

“Jump!” I heard Kell cry as she swung high on the swing at the local park. “Jumpnow! Where are you?”

“I’m here. Don’t worry.”

I was sitting down on the little kids play equipment. She looked so happy. She wore her usual pretty casual outfit that she knew I loved so much. A simple, light floral dress, tights and ballet flats, topped with a thin short, black button up piece. She slowed to a stop and sat there, a huge smile spread across her face as she turned to look at me.

“What?” I asked her, smiling back. “Why are you so happy?”

“Because.” she said. “You always let me do anything I want. It’s so nice of you.”

“That’s because I want you to be happy.” I stood up and walked over to her. “You’re special to me.”

She giggled softly.

“This is the best 17th birthday, Jump. Thank you.” she looked up at me as she spoke.

“Did you love the present I gave you?” I asked her and I kneeled down in front of her to get a better view of her happy face.

“Of course.” she touched her new necklace. “It’s beautiful.”

“The movie?”

“Gotta love ‘New Moon’.”

“How about the lunch?”

“It was great.”

 “And the awesome idea of heading over to this rad park?”

 “You know that I love parks.” she smiled again.

 “Well, I have another surprise for you.” Her face lit up in delight. “Close your eyes.” I whispered.

 She immediately did. Not knowing how to properly do this, I slowly leaned in closely towards her and kissed her. She kissed me back to my own surprise. I touched my hand to her face and we slowly pulled apart. As I opened my eyes, she slowly opened hers and she smiled once more.

 “Thank you.” she said, taking my hand from her face. “I repeat, the best birthday ever.”

 “I’ve always wanted to know what it was like to kiss you.” I said to her, quickly looking down as she intertwined my hands with hers in her lap.

 “Me too.” I looked up.


 “Yes.” she said, giggling. “For a little while now. You’re really special to me, Shaun. Very special.”

 “You’re very special to me, too.” She looked deep into my eyes and took a deep breath. “Shaun… I think I’m falling in love with you.”

 I made a crooked smile that I knew she loved.

 “Well I know for a fact that I love you, Stephanie Edwards.”

 She leaned in and before we kissed once more…


“What the-!” I jumped up.

“Jumpnow, it’s Bradie.” I heard the voice call from the front door.

I rubbed my eyes in annoyance.

“Of course it was a dream.” I said, heading over to the front door.

A dream of how I first told Stephanie I loved her about a year ago.

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