Andy's POV

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Beth was amazing. I know that her favourite colours are black and purple, she's obsessed with Converse and she absolutely luurrves Short Stack which is a bonus. We were walking back to her house after hanging out by randoly walking around the block 3 times. We were about 3 houses away from hers so we walked a little slower.

"Tonight was nice." She said to me.

"It actually made my day." She smiled to herself.

"That's nice." I said to her. "Did you have a horrible day or something?" 

"Not really. It's just like every other. I go to school, learn jackshit and then go home with a screaming mother. Same old, same old."

"Too bad." I said to her.

We reached her house and noticed that the car was in the driveway this time unlike before. We headed through the front gate and we both stopped at the front door. She turned to face me.

"Hey, thanks for that, Andy." She said to me. "It's actually nice to have a random Short Stack member stumble into my house. Dream come true."

She made me laugh.

"Yeah. Well you made my boring night asweome so we made each other's night."

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Yeah. I'll swing by at about 12 if that's okay."

"Perfect." She said. "I better go inside. See you later."

She smiled and opeed the door.

"Night." I called to her before she stepped inside and shut the door. I turned on my heels and walked out of the property, heading home. The walk home seemed short, probably because Beth was stuck in my brain. She was perfect. She had the same interests as me and we both play bass but she was mostly into guitar which is fine. She was in a band which was pretty cool too. They were called The Rocket Parade. Another bonus was that we could probably share each other;s style and such so taht was epic. 

When I got back home, I noticed that my car was back in it's usual spot. I opened the door and walked inside. "Bradie." I called and heard nothing. "Must be in his room." I muttered to myself. I made my way there, pushing the door open with my foot. There I saw Bradie and Maddie all over each other. Awkward. I covered my eyes for a second I realised that they were making out on his bed.

"Oh lord...uh.... Bradie, I'm home. Im gonna go now and jsut so you know its 15 to 11." I turned and walked away, in an attempt to not smash into anything stupid.

When I knew it was safe in the comfort of my living room, I sat down and flicked on the TV. Nothing on. Typical. A few short minutes later, Bradie and Maddie stumble out of the hallway giggling with eachother.

"Hey." I said to them both. "Had fun?"

"Har-Har! Funny Andy." Said Maddie and she was clutching onto Bradie's arm. 

"I'll be back soon," said Bradie. "Give me 10 minutes tops."

"See you later, Maddie. Bradie go die." I called to them both, laughing at my fail humour as they walked out the door.

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