Jumpnow's POV

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Chillin at home waiting for the group to arrive was a pain. I knew what the boys were like. They would just take their sweet as time getting anywhere when they're with each other. They could barely rock up to their own concert or meet and greet without being at least 30 minutes behind schedule. I should know never to give them a specific time to come over because I, for one, have been going with them all over Australia to their concerts and shit. But mostly, now that Shaun is dating Kell, things were only going to get worse. But besides that, I've known Kell a little bit longer than Shaun. Both of our parents have been family members for as long as I can remember. Our dads have been great mates since they were in high school so it was only natural of us to grow up together. Thinking about it now, I was pretty disappointed that ever since I've introduced Shaun and Kell to each other that they would just as easily click and get along, leaving me out of the mix. Oh well.

DIng Dong.

With a huff, I got off my ass and headed to the front door. I opened it and saw the two couples standing there next to each other.

Fucking fantastic, I thought.

"Hey." I said to them. "Come in."

With a smile, everyone walked inside. 

I touched fist with Shaun and Bradie who then walked over to the couch and made themselves at home and I kissed Maddie and Kell on the cheek.

"How are you, Kell?" I asked her, taking a deep breath in.

"Great thanks, Jump. And you?" She smiled and waited for my answer.

"Great too." I smiled nervously and then headed off to where everyonne else was, mentally face palming myself. "So, I have an awesome idea for our Graduation party tomorrow night." I started to say when i sat down on the single couch. Kell was obviously sitting with Shaun and Bradie was sitting with Maddie. Typical.

"What is it?" asked Maddie.

"Well, I was thinking, why don't we have a Grad party here? My parents would be out of the state for a week and I was thinking we could just like hang out and party and drink until everyone passes out right in the comfort of my own home. What do you think?"

I looked at Kell and gave her a smile, knowing that Shaun didn't give a rats ass. She smiled back at me and tucker her fringe behind her ear.

:Yeah man. Sounds insane." Shaun said. "Party at Jump's house. Wooo!" everyone laughed and cheered.

"Sweet. Well it's settled then. Me, Andy and Sonny can grab the drinks and all you guys have to do is let Andy know and just rock up."

"Awesome." Braide said.

"Speaking of Andy, where the fuck is he?" I scratched my head.

"Long story short, he met some chick and now he's fixing her window." replied Shaun. I blinked and spaced out for a second.

"Well, tell him he can bring his little friend along." I just had to be nice.

"Great, everything's settled." Shaun said and he stood up and headed for the fridge, grabbing a beer and walked out to the backyard. Bradie and Maddie followed him close behind. Kell was the only one who stayed where she was. I sat there looking at her, trying to makit it as non-creepy as possible.

"So, where did your parents go?" she asked.

"Um... they went to Queensland for a week. My mum wanted to go there so my dad thought he could take her but I had to stay behind so I could graduate and keep an eye on the house."

"They're not coming?"

"No. They're not really the type of people to support me or what ever. Doesn't really bother me anyway." I tried to smile at her. She looked so pretty when we're in our own little conversation. No Shaun, no Andy, and no Bradie. Basically no one to bother us.

"Oh. Too bad."

I went over and sat next to her. I took a deep breath and started to speak to her in a softer voice. Soft enough so only Kell can hear.

"Why did you pick him?"

"What?" she said just as softly.

"Shaun. Why pick him over me?" my fringe fell over my face. I couldn't be bothered swooshing it away. I didn't want to anyway. 

"Because me and Shaun have known each other for a while."

"And us? I've known you longer, heaps longer." She sighed.

"Jump, listen. I really really like you. I just think I should be with Shaun right now." She smiled a little bit at me, probably trying to make me feel better.

"Then be wtih me. Not with him. He doesn't deserve a beautiful girl like you." I looked down at her hands. They were clasped together. I reached out and held them in mine. "I would do anything to be with you. Anything and everything."

"Why shouldn't I be with him? He's perfect. "Her face started to crease together.

"What did he do to you just a minute ago? He grabbed a beer and left. If it was me, I would just want to be with you. You and only you. I wouldn't do what he just did. I would keep you company, talk about life, music, everything. I told you this before, a while back. I wasn't kidding and I'm still not."

"Please Shaun, not right now. I've considered it through." She looked at me. She took one of her hands and reached up to my face. She brushed my fringe out to the side and then placed her forehead onto mine.

"Soo, okay."

"Sure, Kell." She gave out a chuckle.

I slowly leaned in and kissed her. I just touched her lips until I heard the back door open. It was Maddie. Me and Kell jumped to the opposite sides of the couch and stared at Maddie worriedly.

"Hey, come on outside. We're having a blast and you guys are missing out!" she ran back outside.

Shit, almost busted, I thought to myself, taking a deep breath in.

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