Shauns POV

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What? I said to myself. What?!

I couldnt believe this. Jumpnow doing this to me? I ran my hand through my tangled hair and sighed. When Maddie finished her story, I stood up and headed towards the front door. 

"Where are you going?" she asked me with a frightened look.

"Im going to talk to Kell and straighten everything out." I sighed and held the door open for the two of us. "Come on, we'll walk to Bradie's house. He can drive me there. I'm not in the mood to walk all the way there alone." 

She nodded at me and made her way out. I locked the door and we both headed down the footpath. We both walked in silence. My head was fillied with a heap of violence thoughts. 

Fuck. You. Shaun. Jennings. I began rambling to myself. I thought I could trust you! I thought you were my best friend!

As me and Maddie passed a tree, I couldn't help mysef to jsut go over there and starting beating the shit out of the bitch.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" I screamed.

"Shaun!" Maddie called out to me. 

"You need to relax and for a second." 

She came over and pulled me away from the tree. I sighed.


She pulled me along the footpath and we finally arrived at the house. We stood there just staring at the building. We both started up the walkway and Maddie pressed the doorbell. Bradie opened the door.

"Hey, there." He said as he smiled and kissed Maddie. "Come on in." 

He hed the door opend and we all walked in. We sat on the couches around Andy and I threw my face into my hands.

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