Shaun's POV

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Me and Kell wandered around the decorated place. It was pretty amazing how much work some guy could do in a short amount of time. We went outside and sat on the stage, just talking about random shit.

“So, you and Jumpnow are getting pretty close again, hey?” I asked her.

“Yeah. We kinda lost touch and now we’re hanging out a bit so it’s all good.” she smiled to herself. “Why you ask?”

“Oh, you know. Just wondering.” I looked at my shoes. They needed a good clean.

“Wait. Are you saying that I have a thing for him or something?” She turned and looked at me.

“No. I wasn’t saying that. I was just wondering. But do you?” I looked at her. I didn’t want to fight.

“No. I like him but it’s nothing.” she seemed upset.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.” I pulled her close to me and kissed her hair. She leaned her head on my shoulder. “It’s just that I know you guys had a ‘thing’ last year. I was just confused, that’s all.”

“Well, it’s nothing so don’t worry about it.” she gave out a sigh.

Even though she said there was nothing, I had a little doubt in my mind that made me not believe her. Stacy came out and headed straight for us.

“Hey you guys.” she smiled and sat on the grass in front of the both of us. “How’s things?”

“Been alright.” I replied. “Yourself?”

“All good. Looking forward to tonight?”

“Yeah. Gonna have a drink up and party. Wooo!” The girls laughed.

People slowly started filling up the place pretty quick. Eventually, music filled the air and people started dancing and going crazy. Lots of chatter and mingling. I somehow found Andy and 3 girls with him.

“Hey Andy. Who are these ladies?” I asked as I gave them a wink.

“Hey. Kiti, Jasmine and Veronica.”

“Oohh. So you’re the famous Kiti. Nice to finally meet you. I’m Shaun.” I gave them each a kiss on the cheek.

“Nice to meet you.” She said, a massive smile on her face.

Andy and the two girls quickly dispersed and I was left deep in conversation with Kiti.

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