Chapter 24

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I grabbed Maggie from Harry's nest of hair and took her up to her room, for her afternoon nap.  She fell right asleep as I rocked back and forth in the old rocking chair Colton's aunt gave me.  I really wondered if he missed her or not, I mean they never seemed to be close.  Also when I think about it he was always touchy about the subject of family.  Whenever I ask him about his family he just waves the question away and starts up a new conversation. 

I placed Maggie in the crib and walked out of the room and into my room.  I closed the door behind me, locking it too.  I walked into my closet and grabbed a small step stool.  Colton was right I did need to find out who the father was.  I wouldn't have to tell them but at least find out.  Maybe it would give him closer too, for some unknown reason.

I climbed the step stool and grabbed a box that I had hidden in the top corner of the closet.  I stepped down from the stool and opened the box.  I grabbed a small card that had the doctor's phone number on it. 

I knew that California will only keep a record of a baby's DNA for 3 years.  So that meant that I only had a few more months to get the DNA that I needed.

I grabbed my cell phone and called the number. 

I started to second guess as I could hear the phone ringing.  Maybe I should hang up.

"Children Hospital, How may I help you," said the voice. 

"Uhmm, hi I was wondering if I could speak to my doctor about some questions please," I said in the nicest voice I could say it in.

"Ok, sweetheart, can I have your name," she said.

"Allyson Keg, by the way I would like to speak to the doctor that took care of me in the last visit I had at the hospital, "I said.

"No problem, I will switch lines right now, please hold," she said.

"Ok," I said.  That is when some type of elevator music came on and started playing.  I waited a good minute and finally the doctor picked up.

"Hello Allyson, I didn't realize that you were going to call me," she said, "Do you need something".

"Uhmm yeah, I want to find out who my kid's father is," I said, "How do I do that?".

"Well, you can come here with a piece of DNA of who you think the father is and we can test it with your baby's DNA, and see if it is a match," she said.

"So what do I do to get the piece of DNA," I asked.

"Well you could bring them here, and we could test them or you can send it in," she said.

"I probably would send it in, but what type of DNA like hair or something else," I asked.

"Well," she said, "you could send in 20 pieces of hair that are no longer or shorter than one inch or you can get know that," she said.

"Ok," I said, "Do I just send it to the address on the card you gave me".

"Yes, make sure to put my name and that is all," she said.

"Ok, thank you," I said.

"No problem, I guess I will talk to you later than," she said.

"Yeah, I will talk to you later," I said and hung up the phone.

I put the box with the card back in the closet and then laid on my bed. 

So Connor, I can't test right now because I barely know where he is, but if I rule out the rest then that means it would be him.

Harry I can just get a piece of hair, same thing with Zayn, although it may take more effort.

Liam barely has any hair, I is all shaved off, and Niall I doubt that his hair is one inch, since he got quite a big hair cute before he came. 

I sat up and grabbed out some plastic Ziploc bags, writing each name on each one. 

I was seriously going to do this wasn't I.  I was staring at the bags now and all of a sudden my door was opening slowly.  I threw the bags in a drawer and then jumped on my bed to pretend I was looking at my phone. 

It ended up to be only Louis, what if he was listening to my conversation. 


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