Chapter 44

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We all left the house.  I headed back to the hotel. I finished packing my stuff up and went to bed.  I knew that I would be head back to the house either to do more packing or to be unpacking.  I woke up and we all got on the plane.  As we boarded I went to the very last seat on the plane, pluged in my headphones to my phone and went into my own world.

I thought about what I was going to do.  I was lucky that the plane had wifi, which I used to look at houses and aparments that Kendall had.  I finallly made up my mind, I was going to move back to LA and into a house, living with Kendall, Maggie, Colton-if he comes-, and possibly Liam. 

We got off the plane, and the boys were very quite.  I got home and called Kendall, telling her the plans.  I then broke the news to Colton, and he smilied and agreed right away.  We picked a huge house that would hold 5 people in it.  It would defenitly hold more people.  It was huge.  An hour later, Kendall callled back telling us that the owner had accepted our offer.  I thought I would tell the boys about the news at dinner. 

I made a huge feast for us, since we all had not even eaten since the plane home.  I made pasta, salad, breadsticks, chicken, veggies, and a soup.  Also we can't forget our desert.  I skyped Simon, to tell him the news.  He was excited. We singned off and the boys sat down for dinner. 

We were about half way though the dinner, when they asked me about the trip and why I couldn't stop smiling.

"Well," I said, "I have some news".

Everyone watched me as I began to say more.

"I decided to move back to LA, with Kendall and Colton and Maggie," I said.

"Oh my God," said Harry, "Really".

"Yeah," I said.

He smilied at me, from across the table.  I finally felt as if something was going to go right after my father's accident.  I finally felt relived.  We all talked about the news and everything about me moving back.   That night I started packing.  I was leaving the house in about two weeks, but I had to fly back early to make sure we closed the deal and everything was shipped back.  I started with the study.  It was almost midnight and everyone was pretty much in deep sleep.  I was packing some books from the study in a box, when Liam walked in. 

"Hey," he said in a sleepy voice. 

"Hey," I said.

He flipped the switch in the study off, and moved toward me.  Grabbing my face, I could see his blue eyes from the light coming from the lamps outside.  We moved together, and our lips moved in sync.   

I smilied in the middle of the kiss, it was perfect gentle yet rough.  He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his body.  His muslces bigger then before.  He kissed down my neck and threw his hand up my shirt.  He pushed away, and asked a simple question, "Are you ready for this".

I smilied and we ran to my room.  I locked the door, and he grabbed me.  Pulled me close to him.  Next thing you know I was looking good in his American Apperal underwear. 


The next morning I got up and watched as his body laid next to me in my bed.  I showered up and moved to the kitchen.  I closed his door to the bedroom, so people would think he was in there.  I then went and kept packing.  I spent almost the whole morning packing the downstairs.  I finished one of the rooms, and went onto YouTube as I usually do, and watched videos which ended up taking up move of my time.

I mean YouTube and Vine can take up so much of your life.  I was like, yeah just maybe a minute than next thing you know it is like four hours later.  I got a skype call from Kendall.  We talked about what we were going to do in LA.

"I am going to be gone quite a bit, because of the modeling gigs," she said, "What are you going to do with out me".

"I don't know I will find something," I said.

"You need a hobby, you boring asshole," she said.  We both laughed. 

"Yeah, I am quite boring," I said.

"I will think about it," I said.

"Write a blog or something," she said.

"Ok, maybe," I said.

She smilied and we computer hugged, then signed off.

I do need a hobby.

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