Chapter 37

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He usually just calls me Allyson, in a disgruntled tone.  However this one time, it sounded peaceful at least.  It kind of reminded me of my father and Maggie and the whole accident.  Maybe Harry was the father of my unborn child.  I tried to clear my head of it, but the idea kept creeping back into my mind.  I breathed in and out hoping that it would just go away.  The next time I looked at the clock, Harry was fast sleep, and the time was 9:00 am.  I, now dissatisfied with trying to fall sleep, crept out of bed and moved toward the door.   I grabbed my phone, only to see a pair of scissors on the table.  Maybe I could just snip a little and get it tested.  Harry, does have enough hair.  I grabbed a small zip lock bag and moved to the edge of the bed he was sleeping on.  I careful, snipped off a curl from the bottom, underneath section.

He never woke up.  I easily dropped it in the bag.  Taking it back to my desk, I wrote in sharpie, Harry, then placed it in a secret drawer on the side of my desk.  One down three to go.  I then washed up, and walked out of the room.  I ran to Maggie's room, to see how she was.  She must of just waken up because she was smiling when I cam into the room.  I carried her down stairs, setting her on the living room floor, so she could watch some TV.  I then moved to the kitchen to make dinner.

I opened up the pantry door to see pancake mix.  I decided to make pancakes. I was half way through making the pancakes when Niall walked into the room.

"Hey," he said as he came over to the stove area, and wrapped his arms around my waist.  His morning voice was the best out of all the boys. 

"Pancakes," I said.

He laughed a bit under his breath and kissed my neck.  He placed his hands under my shirt moving up words to take my top off.

"Niall," I said.

He just mumbled.

"We can't," I said.

"Why," he said as he stopped kissing me.  I finished flipping the last few pancakes off the stove, and placed them on a plate.  I turned the burner off and moved to the kitchen island.

"Can we know," he asked.

"Niall not know, I have Maggie, right over their and pancakes to eat," I said.

"But are pancakes better than me," he said blinking his eyes at me.

"Yep," I said carrying my plate over to the kitchen table, "Remember food before bros".

"I think it is different," said Niall.

"Nope that is how it goes," I said.

I moved to pick up my glass when Niall grabbed me and spun me around.  He than started tickling me. 

"Niall stop, please," I screamed.  He stopped and then grabbed his plate.  With in seconds, everyone was out of their rooms. 

"What happened," said Liam.

"I don't know what happened," said Niall.

"Allyson screamed," he said.

"No she didn't," said Niall, "I would of heard her".

I smiled as I caught him looking at me, as I just stuffed my face with pancakes.

"We all heard her say Niall stop please," said Zayn.

"I think Louis's ideas are getting to your head," I said, "I never screamed".

Finally Louis walks in and looks at the pancakes, "Pancakes," he says like a child on Christmas day.

"Yeah, you can have some," I said. All the boys got their food. 

"Allyson, do you want me to get anything from the store for you," said Colton.

"I am actually going into town, so I can go pick up anything I need," I said.

"Ok, do you want me to come with," said Colton.

"No it is fine, relax, take care of Maggie, " said Louis, "I will go with her".

"Ok thanks, bro," he said and went to play with Maggie.

Louis smirked at me like he had something planned.  Oh Louis what am I going to do with you.

Rescue Me (Sequel to Save Me) 1D Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now