After the Party and At Home

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                                                                        Lucy's P.O.V

       I woke up to find none other, then the snoring Fire breathing twerp in my bed, with his head next to my feet. I took that oppurtunity to kick him in the jaw. "GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!" I screamed at him and pushed him out of my bed.  He landed on his chest with a thump.

"Hey what gives Lucy?!" He asked me standing up. He sounded out of breath, which made sense considering he landed on his chest practically breaking my floor.

"What do you mean 'what gives'? I should be asking you that! now, GET OUT!!!" I pointed to the door. 

"Ok, ok jeez. No need to shout. oh yeah and gramps says he wants us at the guild as soon as we can get there. He says he has a really important announcement to make so hurry up alright?" And with that he scurried down the stairs and out of my house. I heard more snoring and looked back at my blankets.

"Huh?" I pulled the blankets over the snoring figure. "Happy!? You should have gotten out of my house with your dragon friend!" I paused and looked at the window. I smiled evily before un-latching the window, picking Happy up by the tail, and tossing him at the river below. "Now fly kitty."

"Lucy what was th-" He woke up in the middle of the air and landed in the water before he could finish his sentence. I just laughed and rolled out bed and walked to my closet. I got dressed, ate some toast for breakfast, and set out for the big announcement Master said he had. What could it be?


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fairy tail nor do I have any right to the characters or there names in this story!

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