Leaving It Behind

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Sting's P.O.V

I knew what she was gonna say before she even said it. I had started walking away as Natsu walked towards her. I couldnt look at her. I mean fuck I was the leader of a guild. I couldnt be seen crying over a girl of our rival guild. I've loved her since I saw her fight in the Grand Magic Games against Flare. I'd known since then that she was the one. Or at least, I thought I knew it.

I walked as far away as I could before I broke. I could practically hear my heart shatter. I looked around and realized I was in a forest. Alone. Good. I stood up and punched the thickest tree that was in my line of sight.  I punched it as many times as my arms could manage. Eventually, my arms gave out, and I rested my forehead against the worn bark. I hadnt noticed until then, that tears had escaped my eyes. 

"Damn it Lucy. Why?" I punched the tree again weakly before turning and sliding my back down the bark. I was sitting on the ground when I heard footsteps approaching me. I looked up and saw 'her'. I didnt want to say her name, or think it, or see her, or anyone close to her. I wanted tp clear any memory or thought I had of her. 

I got up and started walking away. I wiped my face as I walked. Then I was automatically stopped. Not by anything bad or something, just, arms. Wrapped around me. And a warmness on my back, where her tears were landing as she cried into my jacket. 

"Lucy go away. I'm done with everything about Fairy Tail. I'm done with you." I hissed the last word, wanting her to get the memo that I wanted her to go away. Needed her to go away before I broke again. But she didnt, her grip around me only tightened. I need her to go. I needed to leave her behind, like she said she would do. 

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