His Weak Spot

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                             Lucy's P.O.V

I was watching Sting and Natsu fight. They were strong but, Jiemma was too. They couldnt beat him on there own. Jiemma told me a few... Secrets... He told me his weak spot, stupidly. It was his necklace. It holds his lofe force. I told Natsu and i hope he heard me. 

He had put chains around my legs and took the key. I was looking for a way out when i saw someone stand in front of me. I thought it was one of Jiemma's minions, but when i looked up, i saw Mirajane with my keys!

"here, maybe these will help." She handed me the keys and i took them.

"How did you get out of that room?" I asked her, standing up.

"When Jiamma started fighting  Natsu and Sting, he started using his magic power on them. He WAS using it to keep those people that took you guys, from betraying him. Since hes not using it on them anymore, there set free."

"So, they saved you?" She simply nodded.  I looked over at the fight, and wasnt surprised to see everyone else fighting him too. I figured i should join the fight to.


Hello lovely readers. im sorry i havent updated in a bit, and that this chapter is so short. I will work on that!

I am thinking about writing a new book, (Dont worry ill continue with this one as well), but need ideas. If you guys have any, just leave them down in the comment Pleaaaseee!!!!!

Anyways, vote, comment, follow, etc. etc. blah blah.

Thank you!!


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