The Final Decision

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Lucy's P.O.V

I didnt know what to say. I was shaking out of sadness and fear of making the wrong decision. I need Natsu. I cant be apart from him. But he hurt me, a lot. And Levy. And Mira. My friends. There all here. Not at Sabertooth. But Sting. He told me Natsu was leaving. He searched for me when I was on Tenrow island.

Finally after what seemed like hours, I had made up my mind.

"M-Master, I have made mg decision." I stuttered, I stuttered because I could feel 'his' presence.

"Yes, Lucy what is it?" He was still looking down at me even though I was now standing. His tears had stopped too, he wasnt bawling anymore but it was more of a small sprinkle.

"My decision is-" I was interupted by a knock on the door. I shut my mouth quickly, already knowing who it was. As soon as the door opened, I dropped my head, staring down at the hardwood floor.

"Master." His voice sounded rough and hoarse. Like he had a cold. I could feel the tears threatening to fall once again. I tried so hard to not break.

The wall I put up broke as I was pulled into a warm embrace. I could feel his fiery hot breath on my neck. His spiky, salmon hair tickled my ear. His fingers clutched the back of my shirt as I felt what could have been acid on my shoulder. I realized he was crying. I didnt care if it burned at that point, I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close and burying my face in his chest, wanting to be as close to him as I could.

"Please Luce. Please. I know you'll make the right choice. So please. You belong here. This is your home you know that. We are your family." His warm breath tickled my ear before the warmth of him was gone. My body no longer clouded in the warmth and feeling of protection. The warm tears falling down my face were the only thing warming up even a little bit of me.

I looked up at him. He stopped crying and was about to walk out when I grabbed his arm and stopped him. He turned and looked down at me.

"N-Natsu.." I choked on my words. Them barely coming out as whispers.

"I choose----"


PSYCH!!!! Haha cliffhanger queen is back!!! Im sorry ive been gone so long. The last couple months have been.... Hectic to say the least. Anyways, im back and will be updating more often. I am sorry for any spelling mistakes it is 4 am and im using my phone.

Love you all and I hope you loved the chappy!!!

~Me :p

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