Just Watching The Fight

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Mystogan's P.O.V

"Damn it Natsu! Seriously?!" I yelled at him and scowled. He just looked at me, and then to Lucy, and then back to me. 

"Mystogan!?" His mouth was open so I did the only reasonable thing I could. I walked over to him and lifted his chin up so his mouth was closed and said,

"keep your mouth closed your gonna catch flies." That sent Lucy into a giggle-fit. I chuckled slightly at the reaction on Natsu and Gray's faces. Gray shook his head and recovered slightly from me being here and looked at Natsu angrily. 

"What was that flame-brain!?" He shouted at Natsu and I just walked back to Lucy and watched. 

"What are you talking about playboy-Popsicle?!"

"You almost hit Lucy with your stupid fire! You really wanna hurt her after all the trouble you caused her already!?" Okay. He might have gone slightly overboard with that last one. Natsu's voice dropped an octave and he sounded deadly.

"What did you just say?" Now everyone was quiet, waiting for Gray's response.

"I said, you caused her so much trouble already. She was knocked out for almost two weeks because you didnt want to respect her decision of leaving. And then you go and throw your stupid fire ball at her? What kind of stunt was that?!" Now Natsu was mad. Red was swirling around him and the air was getting hot. I think Gray realized because he had coldness and white flurried up from his feet. 

"Wanna go stripper? Lets go." With that, Natsu flung himself and Gray,punching him square in the jaw, earning a slight groan from Gray. Gray looked up at him and wiped his mouth.

"You hit like a girl." He says that as a stream of blood dripped off his chin from he mouth. Natsu was flaming now, literally. He decided to bring magic into the fight. 

"Fire dragon roar!" He yelled and as he did, I set a protective magic barrier around everyone else in the  room except for Gray. 

The fire went straight through the wall. Gray, on the other hand, had an Ice-shield up. although he was pushed back a few inches, there wasnt a scratch on him. I looked over at Lucy who was sitting cross-legged on the bed eating a tub of ice cream watching the two fight. Where the hell did she get ice cream!? In my train of thought, I forgot about the two knuckle heads who could probably destroy this entire city if someone didnt stop them. I leaned on the bed, crossed my arms and watched. 


Hi everyone! Im sorry I havent updated in a while ive been super busy. Please forgive me! Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter, I know its not the best but it will get better I promise! Thank you!!


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