The Attack: Part 1

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                                                                     Nobody's P.O.V

Natsu didn't stop running. He wasn't near Magnolia but he could smell it. The smell of fire, and gas, and burning wood. This just drove him to run faster, his fire hotter than it ever had been before burning behind him boosting him.  He ran past houses and people ad trees and animals, but he didn't care. He reached the edge of Magnolia and saw it. Houses and shops burning to the ground. He heard people and children screaming and crying, animals barking and meowing, taking there last breath. He could hear it all because he wanted to find Lucy. He couldn't find her scent, and he couldn't hear her. He was getting worried. He ran to where he last saw the guild hall standing.

Luc's P.O.V

Out of no where there was a huge blast, and Sabertooth's entire guild came storming through the guild door. There clothes were tattered and ruined and some were injured and they were al dangerously low on magic energy. Sting automatically ran to them asking them what happened and why everyone was here all of a sudden.

"Sting the guild was attacked. The entire town was. We, we couldn't stop them. There way to powerful, they cant be beat!" Some guy said it and dropped to his knees.

"what are you talking about!?" And with that one question, there was a huge explosion in the middle of town.

"Oh Fuck! There here. We came to warn you guys, you cant stop them. We thought we had more time but I guess not."  And then 20 people cam crashing through the guild's roof. We all looked back at them. They were wearing dark purple cloaks, they had masks, all different kinds, and they all had some kind of weapon.

Next thing I know, Loki, Sagittarius, Scorpio, and all of my other celestial spirits were standing in front of me, blocking me. "What?! How did you guys get here?! WHY are you here?!"

"We created our own portals here, cant you sense the magic power coming off of these guys?! They are incredibly strong." Loki said turning to me, pushing his glasses up with one finger.

"You know now that you mention it, they do have and incredible amount of power." I reach for my whip and cracked it. I noticed everyone was ready to attack, Erza had requipped, Gray was in his ice maker stance, Cana had her cards ready, Elfman had his fists up, and even Sting was getting ready to fight. 

The guy in front put his hand up, palm facing us, and all of a sudden we were all pushed back.  The entire guild hall crashing down, on top of us. I looked up when nothing hit us to see that Gray had put up an ice shield. "How, he only used one hand! How is he that powerful ?! " I yelled it looking at him.

Another guy raises both his hands and drops them, and we all get pushed to the floor, not being able to move. Scorpio used his sand attack but it was just deflected by some other guy and pushed toward me. I was flung back and hit a cement wall. I screamed from pain and fell to the floor. 

"LUCY!" I looked up and saw Sting reaching  towards me. I reached for him but my arm automatically dropped. I couldn't move!

All I could think about was him, I whispered his name. "Natsu." And then it all went black.

Natsu's P.O.V

I couldn't stop running, I wouldn't stop. I could smell the burning wood and the fire. When I reached the edge of town, I was enraged. It was destroyed. I tried to listen for her but couldn't hear her. Not a thing. I ran as fast as I could to the guild hall.

When I got there, there was no one. No sign they were ever even there. But then I heard it.


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