Natsu VS.... Everyone!?

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Natus's P.O.V

Im finally gonna do it, Im finally gonna beat one of my biggest rivals. And if I can do this, I can beat that stupid stripper. I took a glance in Gray's direction but he was gone. I threw the giant fire-ball in Erza's direction and was satisfied. I waited for the smoke to clear to see how messed up she was. When the smoke cleared I was outraged. I couldnt speak, or move, my hands had balled into fists again and my rage was boiling like a volcano. 

It got blocked by an Ice-Shield. That little Playboy Popsicle B*tch! Hes protecting her.

He released his shield and I saw Erza breathing hard, almost out of power from the fight with Jiemma. Now Gray stood up to me. This was gonna be easy.

"Natsu stop this! You know what your doing is wrong!" He looked as if he were gonna kill me. And by all means, he could try but there was no chance in hell i would let him lay a finger on me.

"Just because I know it doesnt mean I care Playboy." Now his face changed from anger, to.... Amusement? Is he enjoying this!? HA! He wont be for long. 

I was about to use my fire-dragon roar when Wendy stood in front of him. Pink hair, white wing looking this on her back and ankles. Was she in dragon force? Poor little girl, thinking she stands a chance against me.

"Natsu thats enough I'll fight you myself if you dont stop this!" Wendy yelled in her adorable little sing song voice. 

"Ha, whats a pancake like you gonna do? Claw at me?" I motioned to her chest when I said that and the wind picked up around me. I think I made her mad. 

Everyone started to move and form a line next to her, and I realized they were forming a circle around me. Cana grabbed her cards, Mirajane turned into her Satan Soul, Gajeel had metal skin, even Lisanna had decided against me. 

I went into my dragon force, scales protruding on my face and arms, fire so hot the air around everyone started heating up.  I attacked them all at once, using my brilliant flame again. I waited for the smoke to clear once more, and saw they were still standing in the same place.

Some pushed back a few feet, but not far. I was confused, very confused. And then I heard them all yell at once. They said different things but I knew they were spells to attack me. And then I felt one hit me in the back of the head. I turned to face the attacker and was hit with other attacks. Blue, purple, yellow, those were the only things I saw before total black. 


Hey Guys! So I wanted to thank you guys for reading this, over 4,000 people read it!! Wow... Its like im dreaming... but anyway, Thank you so much for this and I have a favor form you...

So, this story Isnt exactly going as I had planned and im thinking of putting a different cover on it and changing the name, considering Lucy didnt choose Sabertooth and all that...

Anyways If you guys could help me figure out what to change the name to and help me find a new cover, that would be amazing!!!! Thank you all again!!

~Me :P

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