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Lucy's P.O.V

"Natsu please stop your not going to convince me to stay. I'm sorry but I've made my decision now let me go." I squirmed my arm out of his grip. He kept trying to get me to change my mind but it wouldnt work. 

"Lucy pleas rethink this. I know you think its whats best for all of us but how are we going to keep going without your smile. How am I supposed to go without.... you?" He kept his grip on my arm, and it was starting to hurt. 

I tried to pull away again but his grip tightened. He really was being persistent about this. He still didnt release me even when he pulled me towards him and I yelped. He pulled me into a tight hug, and I knew he didnt want to let go and Neither did I but I needed to. 

"Erza. Help me out please?" She walked over and put her hand on his shoulder while saying,

"Natsu please respect her decision. It is hard for all of us to let a member of our family go but its what she wants. Now please, let her go." He let me go and walked off. I didnt know what to do so I went to find Sting.

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