The Attack: Part 2

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                                                                         Natsu's P.O.V

I ran into the guild. There was nothing and no one, not even a sign that they were ever there. I couldn't smell anything, I couldn't hear anything, and the only thing I could see was a tattered old building. Broken walls, a torn up bar, and a tattered roof.

But as I was just about to leave and go find out what had happened, I heard it. The smallest sound but I heard. And there was no mistaking who it was. The smallest whimper, coming from the lips of the women I loved. Lucy. I ran to where I heard the sound coming from and dug through the rubble and dust.

I saw the smallest glimpse of golden yellow hair and automatically started to dig out the rest of her body. I dug out her face and she automatically started coughing up dust and a little bit blood. It scared me, a lot. I begun digging her out again. I got her all the way unburied and put her head in my lap. I pet her hair like I used to do with happy.

"N-Natsu.....We couldn' strong." Tears had started rolling down her cheeks and I wiped them away with my thumb. I looked her straight in the eye.

"Luce, please don't cry. I'm here now theres nothing to worry about. please don't cry, it doesn't suit you." I smiled slightly at her. She lifted her hand up and put it on my cheek. I leaned my face into her hand and put my hand on hers. I leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips.

"I'm sorry I left you Luce, I broke my promise. I can never make it up to you. I don't even expect you to forgive me to be honest with you. I'm sor-" I was cut off by her lips on mine. She looked back at me, still with tears on her face.

"Natsu that doesn't matter now, what matters now is that your here. Now come on we have to help the others." She tried to sit up but she couldn't, she laid back down on my lap and held her head.

"Stay here Lucy okay? I can help them." And then I laid her head down on the floor and went to help everyone else. They were so happy to see me, well, all except one. Sting. Why the hell was he still here?!

Lucy's P.O.V

We were all just starting to get back onto our feet when they showed up again. they landed where the bar used to be.

"Lucy Heartfilia." I feel my feet drop to the floor as one of them says my name aloud and reaches there hand towards me.

"Sting Eucliff"  I look back at Sting to see he was just as shocked as I was. Then I felt my legs start moving. They were moving towards the guy who said my name. I reached them and saw Sting standing right next to me, just as terrified as well. Everyone was just standing there until Mirajane spoke.

"What?! Why cant I move?! Lucy hang on okay? Sting you to!" They were paralyzed. Even Natsu could barely move his finger tips. Then all of a sudden I get grabbed by the back of the shirt I'm wearing and so does Sting. We are both lifted up into some kind of air craft. And as I was I was able to get out the word,

"NATSU!" And the last thing I heard before the ship sped off, was the muffled sound of Natsu yelling my name.

"Lucy! Lucy hold on!" And then it was gone. His voice.

When I could finally move my legs again, I tried to run for the door we had come in through, but some guard guy shocked me. It was excruciatingly painful. I screamed and fell to the floor.  And then I heard another scream, a male scream, and looked up just in time to se Sting falling to the floor.

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