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Wakaba's magic was the only one that didnt hit me. The last thing I heard was,

"Lucy No!"

Lucy's P.O.V

I looked back to the stadium when I heard an explosion. I could feel an intense amount of magic energy protruding from it. I recognized it as Natu's power. This amount specifically from his Brilliant Flame. Sting and I looked at each other and then back at the stadium. 

Before I even knew it, I started running. I ran as fast as I could to the stadium and I was dragging Sting along with me. We stumbled over a log and finally found the entrance to the stadium. I let go of Stings hand and ran in. 

I pushed passed people gathered in a circle. The only one I didnt see was Natsu, so I figured he was in the middle. I was pushing past people, I finally caught a glimpse of him, and then before I knew it I could see him fully. His black and gold vest, pink spikes atop his head, his scaly scarf. And then as fast as it was there, it was gone. It was pure black. 

I woke up in a bed. I could tell because of the softness of it, and the warmness of what I assumed was a blanket over my chest.  I looked over and saw Wendy on a small sofa with Carla in her arms. I looked over to my right and was surprised to see Gray in a chair, arms crossed, head down, and obviously his shirt off. He was snoring so I assumed he was sleeping as well. I decided to go look around so I sat up. I winced a bit when my head started spinning. It looked like the room was spinning so I waited a few minutes for my mind to set.

I stood up and used the bed as a crutch, letting feeling come back to my legs. I assumed I was in the guild infirmary at first, but this didnt look anything like that. There was only one bed, No windows, and it was cold. I almost decided just to crawl back into the bed and go back to sleep, wrapped up in the warmness of the soft blanket. 

I shook the though out of my head and decided not to do that again. I almost fell to my knees. I started walking towards a door that was half open near Wendy. I heard Carla yawns and roll over and instinctively froze where I was. I didnt know where I was or how I got here, but I didnt want to get in trouble for snooping.

I slowly walked over to the door, the floor boards creaking lightly under my weight. I opened the door to be blinded with light. I shielded my eyes and fell to the floor. I was lifted up and was suddenly very cold. I looked up to see Gray but thats not who it was. I gasped in surprise when I saw, ---

Sabertooth steals the celestial wizard.Where stories live. Discover now