Aquarius' Time To Shine

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Lucy's P.O.V

Natsu and Gray weren't giving up. They kept throwing spells at each other.  So I did what I could. Threatened them. 

"I'm sending Aquarius in the middle of you two. If you hit her, I give her permission to beat you both up." I said calmly and loud enough so everyone could hear me. They all looked at me, and Natsu took the chance to shoot a fireball at Gray, which he easily blocked. I could tell Natsu was going easy on him. 

I put the shining golden key in the glass of water by my bed, and said the magic words. "Open, gate of the water bearer, Aquarius." And as planned, she poofed up from nowhere. 

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT SUMMONING ME FROM A GLASS OF WATER!?" She screamed and Mystogan was looking at her in shock.

"Go into the middle of the fight, if you get hit, you can beat them senseless. Deal?" She contemplated this for a minute before stiffly nodding her head once. She floated in between the two boys. Now all there was to do, was wait.

For the first five minutes, she just looked bored. Until she screamed out an, 'Ow'. Both Natsu and Gray looked horrified. They looked at each other and then ran out of the hole that  was in the wall. Before they even got 50 feet away, Aquarius struck. And then all you hear is two screams, and then silence. 

Everybody looked at each other, waiting for someone  to say something. My spirit was the first to speak. 

"Alright. Thanks Lucy, that was kind of fun. But I didnt hit hard enough," She mumbled this last part. "I can still hear there hearts beating. Oh yeah, dont call me for a while, im going out with Scorpio." She smirked, rubbing it in. I automatically closed her gate.

Then I noticed Mystogan was gone. Where did he go? He walked in with one boy thrown over each shoulder. Makes sense. They were knocked out cold, there clothes were soaked, and they had bruises and cuts all over. I got off the bed just as Mystogan threw them down on it. There legs dangling off it. I looked at Natsu's face and my heart shattered. His face was torn. His lip bloody, a black eye, im pretty sure his nose was broken, his eyebrow was bleeding and his cheek was cut open. I grabbed a cloth from a table in the corner of the room, and poured the glass of water on it. I dabbed the cloth on his eyebrow and he flinched. So did I. I was hurting him even while he slept. I dabbed it again. Still looking at his face. 

"What am I that special?" I jumped at the sound of his voice. I didnt realize he woke up, I was so focused on getting the blood to stop.  I pulled away quickly, looking around the room noticing everyone left, including gray.

"Im sorry I didnt realize you woke up and I--" I stopped as I looked at his eyes. I put my finger up the one with the bruise, it was swollen shut. "Your eye." I said it slowly. As I touched it, he flinched backwards, and I stopped for the slightest moment. He moved closer again, and let me touch his eye this time. It was swollen shut. "I'll just go." I backed away, still looking at his face before walking out of the room. 

He didnt even try to stop me.

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