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                                                                        Lucy's P.O.V

He kissed me, he put his hand on my thigh, he was on top of me, and I liked it. I loved it. He meant every move he made, every word he said to me last night, he meant it. And I knew he did. I don't know how I did, but I did. and that made me want to be his even more.

I watched him jump out of my window and once again smoothly land on his feet walk away. Happy came and picked him flew him away. Why  did he leave? I wish he would stay. But I know why he couldn't. I wish he would have stayed, but I'm glad he left. I wasn't ready for what he wanted to do, as much as I wanted it too.  I blushed at the thought, and then I remembered Sting, and his words.

"I will wait for you Lucy Heartfilia."  That just played through my head like he was saying it over and over again, right there. Is Sting a creep, does he really care about me. But Natsu does too. And Natsu promised he would never leave me. But sting said he would, and I would be alone.

But Sting is from a different guild, a guild I cant trust. I cant trust Sting. Right?

Natsu, why did you leave me? I need you now more than ever. I need you with me. I need to be in your arms, I need to hear your heart beating through your chest. I need to feel your lips against mine again. I need to feel safe.

I sat on my bed with my knees up to my chest  and my forehead resting against them. I didn't realize I was crying until now. I just sat there like that, thinking about nothing, watching the water from my tears slowly spread across my bed sheet. Eventually I fell asleep. And that was the last thing I knew.

I woke up slowly to a cold breeze coming in through my window. I looked to seethe sun was barely breaking through some dark clouds. I decided to get up, take a shower, and get dressed. I made some toast for breakfast and headed to the guild. I walked in and saw almost everyone except Natsu.

I walked over to Mirajane who was behind the counter and smiled at her. "Hi Mira, have you seen Natsu today? I wanted to ask him something." She turned and looked at me with the biggest smile on her face then I had ever seen her wearing. Now that I thought about it, everyone was either watching me, or whispering to one another about me.

"Oh Lucy everyone heard about you and Natsu!" She exclaimed excitedly practically jumping over the counter to hug me. I blushed bright red before stammering out the words, "what!? how!? when!? Last night!? Not like! NO!?" I stood up and ran from the guild.

'How could they know!?When did they find out!? Did Natsu tell them!?would he tell them?!'

That's all she thought till she got home. Then she saw him. The pink haired boy she had kissed last night, standing in my living room, against my wall. He just looked at me through the shadow his hair had cast over his eyes.

"Natsu" was all I could get out before he walked over to me and planted a smooth kiss on my lips.

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