Stings Confession

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                                                                                  Lucy's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open and I couldn't move. I looked down and realized there was a pair of arms rapped securely around my waist, as if protecting me. I tried to see who the arms belonged to but they only tightened around me when I tried to move. All of a sudden I feel warm, and I know exactly who it is. Natsu. I sink down into his arms once more closing my eyes to be taken back over by sleep.

I woke up still in Natsu's arms. He was so warm and I didn't want to move from my place so close to him. But then I looked around my room and noticed someone sitting at my desk reading my story out loud with a mischievous grin on his spreading on his lips.

"Oh no! Lucy help me! please I need your help now! Exclaimed Natsu still tied up in the invincible chains that were made specially for him." Sting was purposefully reading out loud knowing I was awake and well aware he was in the room. I tried to stand up but like when I tried to see his face, Natsu's grip tightened around my waist. I kept trying to get free but Natsu pulled me against him and kept me tightly where I was. I looked up at Sting.

"Why are you here? How did you get in my place!?" I didn't want Natsu to beat the hell out of Sting so I lowered my voice on the last part.

"Lucy, I'm not gonna hurt you, I love you. I could never harm you. That's why I was keeping track on you, so I could protect you. But when you went missing, I was so worried. I went searching for you, I was gone for weeks, months at a time. Then you came back and I was so happy. I want to protect you at all costs. I would give my life for you. I cant speak for flame-brain there, but I will never quit. And what I can say, is he is going to leave. I'm not sure when or for how long, but he is going to leave you, and you'll be alone. Except you wont. Because I'll be here. I will wait for you Lucy Heartfilia. As long as it takes. I love you." He walked over tome, and despite my struggle to move, he planted a kiss on my forehead. And then he pulled away and looked at me. He grabbed my jaw between his thumb and index finger and kissed my lips. hard but not forcing anything. I tried to push him away but he was already backing off. He looked at me one last time, smiled, and walked out.

I looked over at Natsu behind me and he had a shadow cast over his eyes, but he was shaking and I knew he was awake, for the hole thing. Two dragon slayers going at each others throats, one of them even more serious than last time they fought.  It scared me to the bone.

"Natsu." I whispered his name under my breath before turning around so I could face him laying down. And he let me move. I put one hand his cheek and kissed his forehead lightly and he flinched away. I sighed and rested my forehead against his. He looked at me and kissed me, very passionately. I blushed furiously as he pulled me closer and released me from the kiss.

"I love you too Lucy. And I will never leave you alone, I promise I will always be here for you." He turned over in my bed and went back to sleep.

I wrapped my arm around his waist and put my face in his back and fell asleep against him. Thinking about what both Sting and Natsu said.

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