The Master Is Back

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Lucy's P.O.V

Everyone turned there heads to me, looking like I could actually do something like this, to a dragon slayer at that. Theres no way I would even think about laying a finger on him. I looked at the pink haired dragon slayer standing on the guild doors in shock. 

"Lucy why would you do this? Especially since he wouldnt fight back. Against you especially. How, just, how and why?" Laxus yelled, his voice booming and echoing off the silent guild. 

"What are you talking about? I didnt touch hi-" I was cut off when happy stumbled into the guild hall crying. Tears falling down his face. He was covered in bruises as well. His fur had been messed up and he had a cut on his cheek. He stumbled right over to me, limping. Was his leg broken?!

"Laxus you never let me finish explaining!" Happy was hugging my legs, still in tears, and me as confused as ever.

"Happy theres no need. Natsu told us everything. Lucy was walking home and Natsu was waiting by her door to greet her. When she got there he tried to say hi and she started yelling for no reason, and when he tried to calm her down, she started hitting him, out of the blue and wouldnt stop. He refused to fight back and yet she kept going. Right Natsu?" Laxus turned to Natsu for confirmation. Natsu just nodded his head in agreement to his story.

"Laxus I know her and Lu wouldnt do that! Especially to Natsu!" He looked at her, no, glared at her. A deadly, soul peircing glare, and yet she stood her ground, not backing down. And then the flash as Laxus shot a bolt of lightning her way. Luckily Gajeel was there to stop it. They growled at eachother like dogs until they were interrupted by Natsu. He whined, like he was actually in pain. 

"I agree with shrimp here, blondy wouldnt do that. And besides her scent is nowhere near him, she was over at Levy's all night. I can smell it." Levy blushed slightly and I nodded in agreement. Thats when Happy chimed in. 

"Its true! He had Sting beat him up so that he could get Lucy kicked out of the guild! He said it wouldnt matter since she was leaving anyway! And then he had Sting tie me up and hurt me too so I wouldnt say nothing, but I did anyway!" I picked him up and hugged him to my chest, tears now falling down my face. 

"NATSU!!!!" Oh no. Master Mokarov is back.

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