Dont Touch Them!

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               Lucy's P.O.V 

I woke up to a banging. It was muffled but I could still hear it. I looked around to find myself in a room. There was nothing. No lights, no windows, and I couldn't see a thing. Then a light turned on. A single light shining in front of me. I looked towards the light and my eyes weld up with tears. I tried to scream but there was a rag in my mouth and my hands were tied behind the chair I was sitting in. 

I looked towards the spotlight again and there were 2 chairs with 2 very important people sitting in them, beaten, bloody and bruised. How did they even catch him?! I was thinking about the two boys sitting in the chairs in front of me as tears slid down my cheeks.

Natsu and Sting were sitting in the two chairs. I kept struggling to get out of the chair until i heard someone scream my name. 

"Lucy!" It was a high-pitched yell. And then the banging again. like someone hitting a window that wouldnt break. I looked around and saw a small window. My eyes widened as as I saw the people standing on the other side of it.  I saw Mira, Elfman, Lissana, Gray, Cana and everyone else from Fairy Tail. Except Natsu and Sting.

Mira yelled again. 

"Lucy listen to me there not real, they have the real Natsu and Sting in a different room! There trying to make you tell them everything about Fairy Tail! Whatever happens dont tell them anything! And remember, they arent real!" And then i couldnt see them anymore. It was blank, except for the 2 figures sitting in front of me.

Natsu lifted his head with a groan and whispered my name, just enough for me to hear. 

"Lucy." And then dropped his head with another groan. And then two big guys came in with bats. They hit Sting and Natsu on the head with the bats 3 times. All I could do was watch as my heart shattered, knowing I couldnt do a thing about it. It tore my heart into a million pieces. And then I heard a voice in my ear and I froze. I knew exactly who it was, the old Sabertooth guild master. Jiemma.

His voice was so slimy. He whispered something in my ear and then walked around to me. He looked at me with the most evil look I had ever seen. He took off the rag from my mouth and i automatically bit him. Making him yelp in pain.

"You little bitch!" He yelled and then slapped me so hard, the chair i was in tipped. And then i landed on the floor. I yelped in pain as he grabbed my hair and lifted the chair back onto its feet. He made me look at him and mouthed something. I understood but I was so shocked by what he had just said, i couldnt move or speak. And then I looked at Natsu and Sting again with more tears streaming down my face, and looked back at Jiemma and yelled, 

"You son of a bitch if you lay one finger on them i swear to god i will rip you apart limb from limb! And I will personally be sure your dead you filthy bastard!!" I struggled to get free but failed. Then i saw the two men from earlier drag Sting and Natsu away. I screamed and cried and tried to get free again. And then I heard a door slam and people yelling and screaming in pain. When the two men brought Natsu and Sting back, I practically died inside. 


Hi guys, so, i decided i am NOT going to stop the book just yet, because I have gotten past my writers block, (Thank Gosh). Just wanted to let you know i will be continuing the story for a while longer!

Thank you all for reading and have a wonderful day/night!


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