New Home

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Lucy's P.O.V

I had gotten home and started packing automatically. I wanted to get away from him as fast as I could. I wasn't leaving until tomorrow but I was wishing it was today. I'm still surprised at how easy it was to tell him. 


"Sting I am going to Sabertooth with you. I'm sick of him doing things like this to me. I want you to take me away from him." Tears were flooding out of my eyes as I said this. 

Nobody knew but Natsu had actually done something like this when he was drunk once. He grabbed my hair and slammed my head against the wall because I wouldnt let him stay the night. I just brushed it off as a mistake because he was drunk. But that was one of the biggest mistakes I had ever made.

I was once again grabbed by my hair from behind and yanked backwards. I yelped as I fell on my butt. My hands immediately shot up to my hair as tears streamed out of my eyes. I looked up just in time to see Scorpio snatching him off of me. I mentally thanked him for it as I was immediately snatched off my feet and into a pair of strong, warm arms. I automatically relaxed.

I looked up to see blonde, spiky hair  and a pair of grayish eyes looking down at me. I was still crying as he rubbed small, relaxing circles on my back. After I had finished crying he whispered in my ear. 

"Go pack your stuff princess. We're leaving first thing tomorrow. 


I was broken out my reminiscing thoughts as the doorbell rang. I looked around my almost packed bedroom to see boxes scattered everywhere. My eyes landed on my desk, the stack of paper with my book still sitting on the surface. 

I began the descent down the stairs just to stop in the middle. My eyes landed on the same gray ones that had told me to get packing. I immediately flung myself at him. He caught me with ease in his arms and twirled us in a circle. I looked at him and kissed the tip of his nose lightly. He chuckled.

"Hey princess I have a surprise for you." He smiled and set me down.


Hi everyone!!! So ive come to a decision. After a lot of thinking and debating, I ave decided, Sabertooth Steals the Celestial Wizard  is almost finished. It took a lot of thought but I know exactly how to end this book!!! (however I shall not tell!!)

Im thinking about a sequel but im not sure yet... If you think you would want one please let me know... Anyways, thank you all so much for reading and I promise I will not disappoint you all with the ending!! 

~Me :P

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