Another Cliffhanger....

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Lucy's P.O.V

I smiled as he looked me in the eye and leaned in slowly. I blushed when he put one hand on the side of my face, tilting his head slightly. His lips only an inch from mine when I closed my eyes. 

"Come on princess, I'll help you pack." I felt his warm breath tickle my ear before he placed a small kiss on my cheek. I huffed and stepped back from him with my arms crossed.

"DIdnt you have a surprise for me?" I put on the best angry face i could manage.

"Yeah. Surprise, im helping you pack and move." He smirked at me before walking upstairs to my room. I sighed as I followed him. I walked into my room after him and grabbed the book id been writing and threw it away. I'l write a new story at my new home, where ill start my own new story as well.

Sting closed the last box and wrapped his arms around my wait from behind. I smile and kept looking at myself in the mirror. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and look down at my right hand. The Fairy Tail mark gone. The pink gone, my hand plain. For some reason, it stung my heart. Knowing that i was leaving, i would only ever see them during the grand magic games. I felt the tears stinging the back of my eyes, but I held them in.

Sting and I walked downstairs, hand in hand, and out to the magic mobile parked out front. I stepped inside and sting put the band on his wrist. We drove towards the Fairy Tail guild hall.

I opened the doors and there was a ball of fire flashed by my face before a growl.

"Your not welcome here blondie. You abandoned us remember?" I shivered as the voice grumbled in my ear.

"Im here for the guild master. I have no business with you, and you have none with me. So if youll excuse me." I started walking forward, away from the pink-head behind me. I didnt even get 2 steps before i was grabbed by the wrist and spun around. I faced the fire dragon in front of me, his eyes puffy as if he'd been cry. That was concluded when i saw the streaks going down his face. Slowly my hand went up to his face to comfort him as I whispered his name. My heart breaking even more.

"Lucy, the master would like to see you." I turned, my hand in mid air, to see a black haired buy, no shirt, no pants on, -for some reason-,  and his arms crossed. Facing away from me. That hurt too, the way he shunned me like i was nobody.

"Gray I-" I was cut off when he spoke again.

"Lucy just go. You made your decision, your not one of us anymore so stop acting like you are and get out as fast as you can." His voice broke when he said i wasnt one of them. I was hurt and shocked, and at the brink of tears. I just nodded and rushed to the masters office so nobody else would see me cry. Everyone was quiet, nobody looked at me, and the guild hall seemed dead. 

I stepped into the masters office and broke down. I closed the door and slid down it, crying my eyes out. I looked at the master, standing on his desk looking down at me. Waiting for him to speak. He was at the verge of tears as well.

"Lucy Heartfilia. This is your final chance. Do you wish to resign from the Fairy Tail guild. If you say yes, You and I will sign a paper saying you may never come back unless for official business. If you say you would like to stay, you will be our family, our friend, and one of the best wizards here. Decide wisely, this is one of the biggest decisions you will have to make." 

At this point he had tears slipping there way down his cheeks, his voice was breaking and he was shaking. I had stopped sobbing, but the tears keep coming. What was I supposed to say to that?


Hey peoples!! Im back!! Thank you for being patient, i hope this is chapter is worth it.. please dont kill me... or do maybe i deserve it idk..

Anyways, vote, comment, blah blah blah. you know the gist of it. Thank you for reading you are all amazing and i hope you all enjoy. Love you guys!!!!!

~Me :P

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