She's Back in my Arms. But for How Long?

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                                                                              Natsu's P.O.V

I had been spying on Sting and Lucy all night, waiting for him to mess up. And when I saw Lucy running from Sabertooth's guild hall, I got worried. She looked scared and worried all at the same time. But the look on her face that got my anger and worry going the most, was the sadness. The hurt, the betrayal. I felt like I had completely failed her. And now she needed me, and I couldn't let her down. Not again.

I debated for about 1 minute, if I should go beat the hell out of Sting, or run after Lucy. It should have been obvious from the start, I have to go after Lucy. I had to run, really fast, I'm glad I had my fire to speed myself up. I caught Lucy right as she was walking into her house. I wrapped my arms around her waist and buried my face in her neck. I could feel her warm tears as they dripped from her eyes and onto my arms.

"I'm so sorry Natsu. I shouldn't have gone with Sting. I'm so, so sorry!'

She turned to look at me and I saw the hurt on her face again and my anger and sadness grew once more. She looked me straight in my eyes as tears ran down her face, and I pulled her closer to my chest. We just stood there for about five minutes while she sobbed into my shoulder, her tears making my shirt wet until that one spot stuck to my shoulder.

That's when he walked  over to us. He didn't seem out of breath. He had his hands in his front pockets and I swear  he was smiling at the ground. I instinctively pushed Lucy behind me  and growled at him, my protective instincts kicking in.

"Open, gate of the Lion, Leo. " She said it weakly, as if she was  drained of strength.

"Wait Lucy please. Let me explain."

"You have nothing to say"

"you have nothing to say."

"You have  nothing to say." Loki, Lucy and I all said it in unison.

"Just leave her alone, you've hurt her enough for one night." I barely noticed  Loki taking Lucy inside her house, but I followed, leaving Sting outside alone. I wanted to punch his face into the ground so bad. But I had to take care of the most important thing in the world to me. Lucy.

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