I Cant Do That To Lucy.

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                                                                         Natsu's P.O.V

I rolled over in Lucy's bed to avoid her face, because I was blushing. I had just kissed the only person I love and I'm sleeping in her bed. Of course I was going to blush! That's natural. I hope!. And it didn't help when she put her hand around my waist and buried her face in my back. It felt amazing, but I couldn't help but think things that I shouldn't. And it scared me. A lot. I tried to close my eyes and fall asleep, but it only made the images in my head clearer.

I rolled over and held Lucy's face in my hand and softly kissed her. To my surprise she kissed me back. I kissed her more and she still kissed me back not refusing. I rolled on top of her without knowing exactly what I was doing and continued to kiss her. I could feel the heat in her cheeks rising and that only made me want her more. I moved my hand up and down her thigh, tasting her lips on mine.

'I'm so close. I almost have her. She's gonna be mine so soon.'  That was all I could think until I pulled back and looked at her face. She had a worried, pleading look on her face. Almost like she wanted it as bad as I did,  but was scared at the same time. I couldn't do that to her. She would have to be sure, and I wasn't going to force anything either. She was blushing furiously and it made her look so hot. I kissed her one more time this time putting my tongue in her mouth. She didn't push me away, so I kissed her more for a few minutes and then leapt out her  window.

"Natsu." Lucy had whispered my name as I walked. it took everything I had not to go back and kiss her again. Instead I called Happy's name and he picked me up and flew me away towards the guild hall.

"Hey Natsu why you blushing like that?" he asked me in a mocking type of voice.

"Shut up I'm not!" I looked away and he dropped me at the guild doors.

I couldn't stop thinking of Lucy and what I did, and how bad I wanted to do more. But I couldn't. I wouldn't do that to her. Because I love her.



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