The Date

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                                                                         Lucy's P.O.V

I was getting ready to meet Sting at the tree in Magnolia Park, and I go through my closet, but I cant find anything to wear. I practically tore my closet out looking for the right dress. But I just cant find it.  And then I throw a few dresses, when I notice someone sitting on my windowsill, feet dangling, looking at the ground below. I sit next to him realizing its Natsu. I lean my head on his shoulder but he just shrugs it off.

"Go get ready for your date." He practically snarls the last word out making me jump a bit.

"Wanna Help me pick out my outfit?" I offer out of politeness but when I look at his face, I can see the hurt, and betrayal printed onto it. I try to hug him but he jumps down from the window and landed smoothly on his feet. "I'm sorry Natsu." I mumble it so low, I could barely hear myself. But as if he heard me, he gives a quick wave of his hand and then shoves it in his pocket along with the other one. He just walks off, just like that,  into the night without anything else.

I finally settle on my usual shirt and skirt and knee-high socks. I leave my hair down and simply comb it, and start off towards the park.  

I see Sting leaning on the tree I wave to him. He gets a huge grin on his face and pushes himself off the tree with his foot. He walks over to me and throws an arm over my shoulders. We start to walk although I don't know where we're going. We end up in front of Sabertooth's guild hall. Sting looked down ant me and then pushed open the doors.

We walked inside and there was no one else there. Just us, which scared me a bit, but I agreed to this technically, so I let him guide me through the guild. It was beautiful. There were golden pillars holding up the tall roof, and there were banners everywhere. I thought I saw a flash of pink holding on to one of them when I looked up. But when I looked at Sting to see if he'd noticed it, he just smiled down at me, so I dropped it.

Sting walked me up some stairs that winded like a spring,  and into a large room. There was a bed and a desk in there and a rug on the floor. He dropped his arm from my shoulders and walked to what seemed like another door, which it revealed itself to be. It turned out to be a closet, but when Sting opened it, there were pictures of me all over it. I was really freaked out, and it didn't help when he hugged me and told me it was okay. I broke free and ran. I ran as fast as I could. I didn't want to go to the guild, I wanted to go home, change, let my blankets consume me.

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