I Wont Give Up

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                                         Natu's P.O.V

I was sitting in a chair. I could hear the screams. The ones that sounded like ours, and then Lucy's. I couldnt get out of the chair and I didnt know why. I couldnt scream, i couldnt even try to whimper. I was so stiff i couldnt move. Like there was some kind of weight on my shoulders preventing me from moving even the slightest inch. Then a door opened. And he showed his face. Sabertooths old master.

Jiemma was standing in the doorway. The door opened enough so that Lucys screams were plummeting through my mind. 

"What the hell are you doing to her." I didnt know how i could talk, but it just came out. almost as small as a whisper, but i could tell he could here it. 

"Listen dragon slayers," I looked over and Sting was next to me, he could hear what he was saying, and he could hear Lucy. I could see it on his face. The fear, the pain, the rage. 

"I'll give you guys a chance to fight me. Both of you, at the same time. You obviously dont stand a chance, but ill let you try. If you win, You, your blonde girl-friend, and your entire guild, go free. You have no choice but to fight me but, it wouldnt be much fun if you werent at full strength. But im warning you. If you were to lose, the girl dies."

I just stared at him in shock. He wouldnt kill Lucy, right? I was so filled with anger. I still couldnt move. I was so tired at the same time. I passed out in the chair. I couldnt help it. The last thing i heard was the faint whisper of Sting's words,

"Dont touch Her you little bastard. You wont be able to." And then everything was blank. 


Hey! So i kept my promise and updated.! Im sorry its a short chapter, but im still getting used to writing again. I promise though it will get better. 

If you guys have any suggestions, questions, or anything, just let me know in the comments below or message me on my page or privately! Thank you everyone!


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