Help Us, Natsu.

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                                                                          Natsu's P.O.V

Both Lucy and Sting were walking towards them. They looked scared, like they weren't controlling themselves. They stopped before them, and got carried onto the ship. I tried to go after them but I couldnt move. I looked around to see if anyone else could move and even Gajeel and Gray were struggling to move there heads.  The ship flew off and we could all move again.  I automatically jumped into the air, high above the clouds. I could see the ship but it was going to fast for me to catch up. I landed back in what used to be the guild hall. My entire body was on fire again and I was about to run after where the ship went, when I felt a cold hand on my should. I looked at the owner of the hand about to punch them in the face, when I saw Gray.  With the most serious expression on his face i had ever seen. 

"Dont worry Natsu. We'll catch em. They messed with our family. And they are going to pay for that." He looked at the sky where the ship took off, with the same serious expression still planted on his face. 

I simply nodded and looked at the sky too. 

"Lets get our family back." I whisper it to myself, or i thought. Because everyone in the guild all yelled in unison.

"YEAAH!" With that, we all ran off in the direction of the ship.

Lucy's P.O.V 

Sting and I were sitting in the corner of the ship. I had tried calling my spirits, but they couldn't come. It pissed me off that I couldn't summon them, so I started kicking the wall of the ship, hoping to do something to put a hole in it maybe. Sting was sitting there, almost asleep. He was a dragon slayer so he could use his roar. But it didn't affect anything, or anyone, on the ship. He was all out of magic energy, and was struggling to keep his eyes open. I felt so weak and helpless. I was so weak. I stopped kicking the wall because I had tired myself out. All of the sudden, one of the guards had come up to us, and automatically hit Sting in the head with his staff, knocking him out. 

"STING!" I tried to go closer to him but the guard stopped me. He grabbed my chin and moved his face close to mine. 

"Your a pretty one, you know that?" He stroked my cheek with his thumb and I flinched away.

"I dont want to hurt you. It's to bad the boss wont let me play with you." He put his other hand on my wait and stroked it. I spit in his face. He grunted and wiped his face.

"You little bitch." He punched me in the head and I passed out. I was already struggling to stay awake, this just gave me a splitting headache and sped up the sleeping process. My last thought was, Help us, Natsu. I wished he could hear my thoughts. And then I hit the floor, and it all went black.


(A/N) Hey guys im so sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been busy with school, i got grounded for a bit, and had writers block. 

I also apolagize for the short chapter, still working through the writers block. I will update as much as i can!

Thank you all for reading my story, (Even though it's horrible and dont understand why anyone would like it), But still, I am very thankful and happy. 

Please keep reading, voting, commenting, whatever! 

Till next time! Byyeee!!!

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