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I gasped in surprise when I saw,---

"Mystogan?!" I heard Wendy's voice. I looked over and she was standing in front of the couch she was laying on and Carla was standing on. I looked between Wendy and Mystogan and then heard a chair screech against the floor across the room. Gray woke up.

I looked over at him and he looked back at me. And then to Mystogan. 

"You shouldnt be out of bed Lucy. Your still injured. And Mystogan.... What are you doing here? I though you were needed in Edolas.?" Gray looked to me again and started walking over. He helped me up and walked me back to the bed. 

"Sorry... I just... Sorry.." I stammered and looked down as I sat on the edge of the bed. I looked back up when I started sweating and saw flames bursting in threw the doorway. They came straight for me. Gray started to put up an ice shield but before he could get his magic up and working Mystogan had a field around me. I wasnt hit by the flames. 

All of a sudden Natsu runs in looking worried. He turns and when he spots me, he automatically runs over. He doesnt even notice Mystogan. He runs over and immediatley started interrogating me.

"Lucy are you okay? Please tell me my flames didnt burn you! Im so so sorry I dont know what happened!" Gray pulled him away from me and stood protectively in front of me. What was going on? 

I couldnt think straight with everything thats going on. Mystogan is here, Natsu just made flames fly at me, Gray is being really protective, I dont know where I am or what is happening. Suddenly, my head started pounding. It felt like someone was repeatedly punching my in the back of my head. 

I held my head in my hands, pulling my knees up onto the bed and immediately putting my forehead on them. Tears sprang to my eyes because it hurt so bad. I didnt know why my head started hurting. Then all I could see were blurrs of blue, black, and red. The room started spinning again and nobody seemed to notice me. Like I wasnt even there. The pounding became worse and I couldnt help from yelping in pain. 

I leaned backwards, laying on my back, still clutching the sides of my head. This time someone seemed to notice me. But it wasnt Natsu or Gray, who were yelling at each other, it was Mystogan. He walked over to me and looked at me. He bent down and whispered something in my ear. And then it was all gone. The pounding in my head, the blurred colors, the yelling. Everything. It was all blank. Mystogan had put a sleeping spell on me.


Hey everyone! I just wanted to thank you guys again for reading this and voting and stuff..

Im super excited because this book has over 5,000 views. Thats an accomplishment for me. Anyways, thats all for now, thank you again and keep reading and voting and all that good kind of stuff!!


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