"I didnt know!"

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Lucy's P.O.V

Natsu looked scared now. Except anger was also plastered on his face. He glared at me before turning to the master.

"But master Happy is lying, it was Lucy. I wasnt going to beat up a girl!" He glared at Happy this time. Happy started bawling again and hid his face in my shoulder once more. I rubbed his back comfortingly. Before I know it, Natsu was flying across the room. He went right passed my head and as he did he snatched my hair, pulling me back with him. I yelped and dropped happy, my hands flying to my hair as tears coming to my eyes. I waited to crash into a wall or a table or something but I never did. Instead I felt warm arms surround me and place me gently on my feet. The tears were streaming down my face as I looked up. 

"Dont worry Lucy, I got you." I looked up to be greeted with spiky brown hair and glasses. I smiled as I realized it was Loki. Then Levy ran up to me practically screaming.

"Oh my gosh Lu are you okay? I swear Ill kill that bastard for laying his hands on you!" Gajeel came up behind her, looking at me with the most sympathetic look I have ever seen him give. 

"Come on shrimp she's fine. It would take a hell of a lot more than a trip across the room by her hair to knock this one down." He smiled at me softly before hugging Levy.

Were they dating? How come I didnt know!? 

I looked over at Happy to see Wendy healing him and Carla standing by her side. And then I looked over at the guild doors just to hear the words, "Im sorry Lucy! I didnt know! I swear I didnt know this is what he meant!"


Hey peeps! Thats right I just said peeps. Anyway here is the new chapter. Its short I know but I tried! I hope you like it. Im sorry I havent updated in a while I swear im trying. 

Anyways...... Enjoy!!!


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