Anybody. Somebody. Nobody.

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I stomped into his office to find... Nobody. Nobody was there. The office was completely empty. Although it looked like a tornado had passed through. The desk was thrown against the back wall in pieces. What happened? Where the hell was gray?
"GRAY!?" I yelled his name and looked behind the desk and its pieces, i even looked up at the ceiling thinking he had hidden. He was. Nowhere to be found. I heard a scream come from the otherside of the wall. It sounded like a girl. And then it was coming from all around me. I turned around and saw the door had closed itself. I turned back around and the desk was gone. I was now standing in an empty room with no way out.

The screams didnt let up. I sokn recognized the voice. "LUCY!" This yime it was her name I had screamed. She just chose me. She just chose fairy tail. I cant let her get away from me now.

I slammed myself against the wall. I heard a crack. I did it again, another crack. Again, again, and again until I busted through. I landed on my side before quickly getting up. I looked around. This is NOT the guild hall.

I was outside now, the heated air hit my like a punch in the face. I wasnt expecting it to be so hot. It wasnt quite as hot as my fire but still.  I looked around and saw nothing. There was nothing but sand as far and I could see. I started walkin, I wasnt sure where but somewhere.

I walked about 300 feet before I saw it. The fairy tail sign that used to be on top of the guild hall. It was dusty and just laying in the sand with nothing attached except for a note.

'Natsu, if your reading this, its to late for us. We couldn't stop them. I tried so hard to hide and stay alive as long as I could but they found me. Im writing this in a prison cell right now. Its cold. I wish you were here to warm me up. I miss the way my body warmed up when you kissed me. I cant believe its been 10 years since the last time I saw you. And I didnt even see you before you left. I wonder if your still mad at me sometimes. I know your still alive, you wouldnt have let him catch you. I know you too well. I have to go now. I have to sneak out and hide this somewhere I know you can find it. I love you Natsu, im sorry for what I said before you left. If I hadnt said it we wouldnt be in this mess. Im so sorry.'

That was the end og the part on the front. I flipped it over.

'Natsu, i managed to sneak out but they followed me. I only have a few minutes. You neef to stop him. You need to stop Gray!'

And that was it. That was the end of the note. The bottom was torn off, she must have written something else that was taken. What did she mean 10 years?What did she mean by Gray? What had he done? Si many un answered questions I needed the answers too.

I looked up and the tears i had been holding back dropped. How did I not notice it before? The gauild sign in front  of the guild. Not the building, just the sign. And thats when I knew, there was nobody else. Not even the hall was there. It was just me. I was all alone. Except for one other person.

I had to find Gray.

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