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Aries P.O.V

The one thing Lucy didnt know about her keys, was that as long as she had them on her we could see what was happening outside them. Like a lacrima was on one side of the keys and we were on the other. Scorpio and I were the only ones paying attention. When I saw Natsu drag Lucy across the guild hall by her hair I was furious. Suddenly Loki was there, holding her and punching Natsu away from her. He must have been watching from the other side of the room. 

I was relieved when he set her down and I could see she was okay. When Gajeel and Levy walked over to her I smiled when Gajeel said she was stronger than she looked. Because it was true. She is the strongest celestial wizard I know. She is Layla's daughter after all. Layla has never held my key but ive heard stories. My old wizard, everytime she would get into a fight the wizard she was fighting would always talk trash to her using Layla. Saying she was nothing compared to Layla Heartfilia, and knowing Lucy, it was true.

I looked over at Scorpio and he's never looked so scary.  He looked really upset. His hands were balled into fists and you could see the rage in his eyes. Suddenly he was gone and I could see him on the screen. He was replaced with Loki, who walked over to me. 

"She's okay, but if it werent for her I probably would have killed Natsu already. He's really getting on my nerves." He sounded calm as ever as he pushed his glasses up onto his nose with his middle finger. I simply nodded as a response. 

I looked back to the screen as I saw Sting walk into the guild. I automatically used my power to stand by her along with Scorpio. I didn't know exactly what I was doing but whatever it was, made me feel brave. I looked over at Lucy the same time she looked at me. I smiled sweetly at her. Suddenly Sting spoke.

"Lucy are you listening to me? Lucy please Im sorry. Come to Sabertooth with me. Please." I hadn't even realized Sting was talking before then. I looked to him and then back to Lucy. She held her head high and stood up straighter. She looked confident.

"Sting I am going to---" What she said next left me in shock.


Hey peeps what's up!!! Yeah I said peeps deal with it. Anyways I know I haven't updated in a while I've been super super busy..  But the new chapter is up!!! I know I know... Two cliff hangers in a row!!! I'm evil. 

Anyways again, I hop you like the point of view change. It was either Aries or tell you who she chose already and I'm not gonna do that just yet... Cuz you know.. I'm evil... Please don't hate me though!!!!!! Anyways, hope you enjoy and I will update again in about a week or so!! Thank you for reading and vote and comment blah blah blah you know the drill. Thanks byeeeeee!!!!

~Me :P

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