The Fight part 1:

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                                                           Natsu's P.O.V

I woke up again, this time laying on a bed. I sat up hoping what happened with Jiemma was a dream. It wasnt. Sting was pacing the floor back and forth. When he noticed I was awake he automatically walked toward where I was laying. He looked at me and the first thing he said to me was,

"We have to save Lucy. We cant let him touch her. We are gonna save her right?" He started pacing back and forth again and i swear he was about to cry. He started talking really fast.

"wearegonnesavelucybecauseifhetoucheshereventheslightestbitimgonnakillandilldoitwithmyowntwohands. we are gonna save lucy."

"Whoa man, slow down. of course we're gonna save her. Well, i'm gonna save her but you can help i suppose." I got up and tried to bust down the door with my fire but i couldnt. My magic wasnt working. I started panicking. "What the hell is happening? Why isnt my magic working? what kind of room are we in?!?" 

And then a slot in the bottom of the door opened and a letter slid through. i read it aloud. 

"We fight at noon tomorrow. be at full strength or it will be no fun. i would rest if i were you"

     I ripped the letter. I heard a loud laugh outside the door that made my anger boil. 

Time Skip to the fight because your crappy author is lazy asf! 


                                                         Sting's P.O.V

It was noon and we were standing in front of Jiemma. Natsu made the first move. He tried to punch him with his fist on fire but Jiemma easily blocked it.I made the second move. I used my white dragons claw but it failed. 

Natsu and i kept throwing attacks at him but each one failed. We looked at eachother and nodded.



We both did it at the same time.  we hit him with our dragon roars, and when the smoke cleared, i was satisfied. We had pushed him back. Not as much as i had hoped but we pushed him back about 20 feet. He must have been satisfied as well because he had an evil grin plastured on his face. 

"Now its my turn." Was all he said before he launched himself at me. He was fast. He tackled me to the ground and punched me. He wasnt using magic, but i didnt know why. I realized Natsu was still attacking him trying to get him off of me. I used my White-Dragon raor and hit him in the face with it. He was launched back.


                                     Natsu's P.O.V

Sting hit him with his whatever-dragon roar. Jiemma was strong. But if he even laid a finger on Lucy, i would rip him apart limb from limb. And then i heard her voice in my head. It sounded so clear as though she had actually said it. And she did. i looked to my left and She was there, tied to a chair. Yelling at me, and i listened. i did exactly as she told me.


Cliff hanger!!!

Hello beautiful readers! I am so sorry the chapter is so short and im sorry Natsus P.O.V is so short! I Just felt like Sting needed a bit more time of his own..... If you you have any suggestions or things to say about this plz let me know. I love your feedback for more and better ideas!!!! 

Thank you and have a great  Day/Night!!!!!!


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