Just Let Me Die Damn it!

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                                                                                     Lucy's P.O.V

I was on my knees, tears running down my face, clutching at the ground. Natsu was beating Sting, he was so angry. Sting was hitting on me but he also wasn't lying to my fucking face! I was so mad at Natsu. I wanted him to stop, but I didn't know what to do. I screamed his name as loud as I could into the sky and he looked at me, I could feel it. He Punched sting again, into the ground. Burying him like he was dead. And then Natsu looked at me again and ran. I don't know where he was going and I don't care.

At this point everyone from the guild was there with me. Myra, Erza, Cana, even Wendy was trying to heal Sting. The guys had went after Natsu, chasing him down. I was still on the ground, my hands balled into fists, tears streaking across my face as if they were shooting stars and my cheeks were the sky. I looked up and saw Sting trying to get up and Wendy trying to tell him he shouldn't move.  I punched the ground, over and over again. So filled with anger and sadness I didn't know what to do with it. So I ran. I got up, and ran the opposite way that Natsu did. Toward the mountains. I heard them calling after me, I heard Sting calling my name but I didn't care. I just kept running. And running. And running. Until I reached a cliff.

I looked down over the edge and smiled. I still had the tear streaks across my face but regardless, I wiped them because they weren't needed any longer. I turned around and stepped towards the cliff, on the very edge. I spread my arms out like wings, and fell. A smile crept onto my face as I did it. I was so happy. I wouldn't cause anymore fights between people I love, they would forget about me soon and I wouldn't cause anymore trouble. I was so happy my friends could be happy.

And then in the middle of my happy thoughts, I wasn't falling, I was flying, gliding through the air, like an actual bird. I looked up and saw both Happy and Carla carrying me away. I struggled to get out of there grasp, yelling and screaming. But when we were close enough to the ground, they threw me on the dirt. And I rolled and got scrapes and bruises.

"What would Natsu think if he saw you jump off of a cliff Lucy!?" Happy scowled at me still in the air, tears in his eyes.

"Think about Wendy, Romeo! Do you want them going through life thinking suicide is the only answer to there problems!? Lucy look at yourself!" Now it's Carla's turn, the same way, but she wasn't trying to hold the tears in, they were running down her face. I just cried out. I screamed at them

"JUST LET ME DIE DAMN IT!" I ran back to the cliff but before I could reach it, I felt strong arms around me. Sting. I could tell by his smell and his clothes. Sting. He's here. For me. He really does care.

I felt him bend his head down to his neck. I could feel something dripping on my shoulder. He was crying.

"Please, Lucy I'm begging you. Don't got. And if not me then for that fire-breathing-hot-head Natsu. because I know you love him. I can see it. Just please don't leave us. You don't understand how much both of us need you."

"okay." That was all I said. All I could say back. And his response was just as simple.

"Thank you."

We walked back to the guild. Sting had one arm over my shoulders because he still wasn't healed. He ran to come save me when Wendy was healing him. I had to help him walk.

I busted open the guild doors and yelled for Wendy. She was there before I could even finish calling her. She took Sting to the infirmary and I was automatically engulfed in hugs and tears. I cried with them. We all sat, on the floor, hugging, and crying. I didn't want to die anymore, I wanted to help them. I wanted to get Natsu back. I wanted to be with Sting. I didn't want to find Natsu for my own benefit, for the guilds. All I wanted was Sting. And that was all.

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