The Final Decision: Part 2

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Lucy's P.O.V

"I choose you. And thr guild. I could never leave. Please dont let sting take me. I cant live without you!" He pulled me into another tight hug, me sobbing into his vest as he rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head.

"Dont worry Luce. I got you." All of a sudden it was cold. Really cold and I started to shiver as I was pulled out of the fire and into ice. My head resting on a bare chest that felt like I could frostbite from. I looked up, still teary eyed and saw the one and only Gray Fullbuster holding me. I heard a small growl come from Natsu before I giggles softly. Then it all went quiet. At the one sound of my laugh. I looked at them both to see them smiling.

"Natsu, Gramps, I need to talk to Lucy alone for a minute please." Master just nodded and walked off. Natsu following but not before giving gray a glare. In response Gray rolled his eyes.

I watched them go and as soon as they were gone and the door was shut, I felt my back pressed against it. The hard wood putting pressure on my back.

I looked up at Gray confused, and lightly blushing.

"Lucy.. I need to tell you something." His face was just inches before mine.

Natsu's P.O.V


I looked back at gramps' office when I heard the hard sound of someone being slapped. I wasnt paying much attention because everyone was bombarding me with questions and I was trying to assure them she was staying. Everything went silent after the slap tho.

Next thing I know, and unconscious Lucy is being pushed out the barely open door, a bright red hand print on her left cheek. I growled loudly.

"DAMN IT GRAY FULLBUSTER ILL KILL YOU!" I stomped into the office to find....


Anywaysssss I hope you guys like this chapter be sure to comment vote blag blah. I love you all!!!!

~Me XP

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