Welcome Home Thunder Legion

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Lucy's P.O.V

Gray, Juvia, Wendy, Erza and I were all sitting at a booth in the back of the guild hall. Wendy has Carla in her arms and Happy and Natsu were nowhere to be found. I was starting to get worried and stopped paying any attention to what everyone else was saying. And then another thought comes into play, 'What about Sting?' I looked around and interrupted everyones conversation asking, "Hey does anyone know what happened to Sting?" They stopped and looked around at each other, wondering if anyone knew.

Erza spoke up. "No we dont Lucy, Im sorry." I sighed as the words came out of her mouth. I didnt bother to ask about Natsu, knowing the answer would be that nobody knew. So I just responded with a,

"Thank you, its fine." She nodded and resumed the conversation between the table.

I was zoning out again when a bolt of lightning came through the roof, turning everyones attention towards it. The thunder legion was back. Everyone stayed silent, watching the lightning bolt turn into  person. Laxus. He was wearing a tight black tank top that defined his muscles to the max. He didnt have his jacket on tho, which was odd. He automatically looked over to me.  I was stunned, that was the first time he had actually looked at me. He held my gaze until the doors opened, and then he turned to the three walking in.

Evergreen had on her usual green dress and heels, her glasses shining from the light, preventing me from seeing her eyes. Freed was wearing his normal outfit with his sword at his side, he had cut his hair again so it was short. He shaved a lightning bolt into the side of his head though. Bixlow also had his normal outfit on, his helmet covering his eyes. Although his 'babies' were no where to be found, which I found odd.

All three of them looked my direction, flashing me dirty looks. And then, someone else walks in behind them. Everyone gasps and tears form in my eyes. 

He gives me an accusing look and smiles a mischievous evil smile before going back to being "hurt".

Laxus turns to me again, glaring daggers at me. If looks could kill. 

"Lucy how could you!"


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for a while i have kind of had writers block and have been going through some stuff at home. Anyways, the new chapter is up and I promise to start updating every monday from now on!

I hope you like it, and the cliffhanger especially. Thank you for reading!!!


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